Monday, September 29, 2008

WAR - Ironbreaker

Drakwald scenario queues sucked ass. I made Rank 16 Ironbreaker, and 15 Rune Priest over the weekend.

I went back to Skull Throne Sunday afternoon when queue was only a little. I only played scenario T2 Mourkain Mountain from Rank 18 to 20 on the Ironbreaker only. I bought my mount rolf-copter, then logged.

The guild is checking out Vortex, I got upto Rank 7 Ironbreaker mostly from scenario T1, and was doing Dwarf Ch 1 and Ch 2 while waiting in queue. I was also checking out Alchemy.

Anyway, I decided to list Renown & Influence gear using my Tanking formula:

Renown 2 2 Gloves 0.50
Renown 2 2 Body 6.80
Renown 2 2 Boots 4.80
Renown 4 6 Boots 8.40
Renown 4 7 Gloves 1.00
Renown 5 8 Shield 15.60
Renown 5 8 1H Axe 3.75
Renown 5 8 2H Axe 9.60
Renown 6 9 Body 16.80

Source CH INF/RR Rank Points
Renown 7 11 Boots 15.60
Renown 8 12 Gloves 1.50
Renown 9 13 Shoulder 21.20
Renown 9 14 1H Axe 2.25
Renown 9 14 2H Axe 0.00
Renown 9 14 Shield 16.80
Renown 9 14 Body 13.20

Source CH INF/RR Rank Points
Renown 11 16 Boots 22.80
Renown 11 17 Gloves 2.00
Renown 12 18 Shoulder 18.00
Renown 13 19 1H Axe 3.00
Renown 13 19 2H Axe 0.00
Renown 13 19 Shield 20.40
Renown 13 19 Helm 8.40
Renown 14 20 Body 20.40

Rank 10
Source CH INF/RR Rank TANK
Renown 5 8 1H Axe 15.60
Renown 5 8 2H Axe 1.50
Dwarf 5 2 10 Gloves 23.70
Dwarf 5 2 10 Boots 10.20
Dwarf 5 3 10 2H Axe 27.85
Dwarf 5 3 10 Body 5.25
Empire 5 2 10 Body 21.80
Empire 5 2 10 Boots 4.25
Empire 5 3 10 2H Axe 27.60
Empire 5 3 10 Gloves 20.10
Highelf 5 2 10 Shield 9.60
Highelf 5 2 10 Boots 2.25
Highelf 5 3 10 Body 22.85
Highelf 5 3 10 Gloves 25.35

Analysis: R1 to R10
Renown 5 8 Shield
Dwarf 5 2 10 Gloves
Dwarf 5 3 10 2H Axe
Empire 5 2 10 Body

Rank 11 to 12
Source CH INF/RR Rank TANK
Renown 7 11 Boots 15.60
Renown 8 12 Gloves 1.50
Dwarf 6 2 12 Body 23.70
Dwarf 6 2 12 Gloves 10.20
Dwarf 6 3 12 Shield 27.85
Dwarf 6 3 12 1H Axe 5.25
Empire 6 2 12 Shoulder 21.80
Empire 6 2 12 Gloves 4.25
Empire 6 3 12 2H Axe 27.60
Empire 6 3 12 Boots 20.10
Highelf 6 2 12 Belt 9.60
Highelf 6 2 12 Gloves 2.25
Highelf 6 3 12 Boots 22.85
Highelf 6 3 12 Shoulder 25.35

Friday, September 26, 2008

WAR Plans: Rank 10 to 20

Looking at the gear upgrades for the Chosen from Rank 10 to 20 using my formula item weight for tanking, I see that I need to break down into 2 ranges, Rank 10 to 16, and Rank 16 to 20.

The formula for me is 120% Toughness, 100% Wounds, 75% Initiative (Evade), 25% Weaponskill (Parry).

This means that there are items obtained in Rank 10 that serves the tanking purpose until a replacement can be obtained at Rank 16. And there are items in Rank 16 that will serve its purpose up to Rank 20.

I have not researched items (Renown Gear and Influence Rewards) for Rank 20 and up.

Since I have a list of tanking items I want to use, this helps define my content progression path to PvE levelling. If I can get all the items from Rank 16 and 18, this will make me well geared doing Tier 2 scenario and RvR.

Rank 10
1. Greenskin Ch 5 (2) Boots is best for R10 to R12.
Optional: Greenskin Ch 5 (3) 1H Axe is optional as DPS weapon.

Skip both Chaos and Darkelf Ch 5 grind since I am almost R11 and can start working on the Ch 6 area.

Rank 12
1. Chaos Ch 6 (2) Shoulder is best for R12 to R18
2. Greenskin Ch 6 (2) Body armor is best for R12 to R14. Skip influence level (3).
3. Darkelf Ch 6 (3) Gloves is best for R12 to R16.

Optional: Chaos Ch 6 (3) Belt is only good for 12 to 14.

Rank 14
1. R14 RR9 Shield is good for R14 to R16.
Optional: Darkelf Ch 7 1H Axe is the best for R14.
Optional: Greenskin Ch 7 (3) Belt is good only got R14 to 16.
If level is still needed, working on Darkelf is a better option.
Skip Chaos Ch 7.

Rank 16
1. Chaos Ch 8 (2) Body armor is the 2nd best for R16 to 20. No early Helm until R18--it's ok.
2. Chaos Ch 8 (3) Belt will be best for R16 to R20
3. DarkelfCh 8 (3) Gloves will be best for R16 to R20
Optional. Greenskin Ch 8 (3) Shield looks like has better Tanking stats for 8 less Block of the R19 RR13 Shield.

Rank 18
1. Chaos Ch 9 (2) Boots is the best choice
2. Chaos Ch 9 (3) Helm is the best choice over the (3) 1H Axe.
3. Greenskin Ch 9 (2) Shoulder is the best, Skip (3)
Skip Darkelf Ch 9.

Rank 19
1. R19 RR13 Shield offers higher Block, but less tanking stats that R18.

WAR - Grinding Public Quests

Rahl is my Chosen, and I want him focused on tanking well by getting gear with Toughness, Wounds, Weapon Skill, Initiative and Strength.

Each of these statistics offer defense and offence, so I came up with a formula to put weight on items when comparing same level items.

From various readings, 1 Toughness is about 1.2 Wounds for defensive purpose.

From the Wiki Statistics, I will weight 1 Initiative as 25% offense and 75% defense.
While Weapon Skill is 75% defense and 25% defense.

This leaves Strength as purely offense, so I will take (Strength / 5) as straight Damage Per Second number.

To summarize Item Weight Points:
Defense = (Toughness x 1.2) + (Wounds) + (Weaponskill x 0.75) + (Initiative x 0.25)
Offense = (Strength / 5) + (Weaponskill x 0.25) + (Initiative x 0.75)

Jennsen is my Zealot and will mainly heal, but I won't spent too much time planning any focus on gearing and just take whichever same item quality reward Rahl gets.

Now on to leveling.

Afer a while of running around doing one quest to another, it got tiring because the landscape objects get my Jennsen. Some of the mobs get agro or in the way and it gets irritating how far they follow.

There's also the varying times in waiting for a scenario to pop up. When the scenario queues are less than 5 minutes, it's worth staying around the warcamp and keep doing scenarios and doing the repeatable scenario quest, and kill enemy quest.

Alternate levelling...

I decided to try out an alternative to levelling: Grinding Public Quests. Most public quests have a no time limit state one that involves killing normal mobs in the area. The 2nd state usually requires killing a few Champion NPCs. The 3rd stage is usually final that involves killing 1 Hero and a coulpe of guards.

Public Quests keeps track of everyone's contribution from damage to healing. Then there is a "roll" in the end with +number to rolls based on where you are in contribution. Some will win, some will lose.

I think the best benefit of Public Quests is I can probably grind the PQ about 4 times and be full in the Influence Points.

Each Chapter in the story line have its own Influence point bar. There are 3 levels of Influence, and each level has a reward from potion, to green item, to blue item.

So, we have 3 story lines: Greenskin, Chaos, and Darkelf for the Destruction Side. There are Chapters 1 to 5 for Rank 1 to 10.

Actually, Chapter 4 Influence item rewards are for Rank 8. Chapter 5 rewards Rank 10 items. Chapter 6 rewards Rank 12 items, and so on.

What about Renown Points?

So, grinding PQ will gain normal xp, and also Influence xp for rewards. The drawback on this is I don't gain Renown XP which can be gotten doing RvR or scenarios.

What's great about grinding PQ's is that I don't have much running out wasting time getting stuck, or traversing around an impassable mountain, or killing crap agro mobs in my way.

I can keep queueing for scenarios while working on the PQ. Eventually, I will participate in RvR objectives as well for another source of Renown xp.

Back to items

With 3 different possible story lines, which one should I do first? Or which one should skip?

I used the Search Filters from and I managed to get a list of Vendor Renown Gear for the Rank 2 to 14 (green items). I then put in my item weight formula to determing which gear is great for tanking.

I also got a like of Influence Rewards from starting Chapter 5 for Rank 10 gear. The "elite influence (3)" rewards are all Rare (blue gear), while the level before elite (2) are green items.

Based on my quick Excel list:
1. Skip Chaos Ch 5.
2. Do Greenskin Ch 5. Keep (2) Boots, (3) Keep 1H Axe
3. Do Darkelf Ch 5. Junk (2) 1H Sword, (3) Keep Gloves

How did I conclude the above?
1. The Inflence rewards from Chaos Ch 5 are ok for tanking, but there are better obtainable items for the same level.
2. The Greenskin Ch 5. Influence level (2) Boots reward has better stats for tanking compared the the Rank 11 RR8 Renown Gear.
3. The 1H Axe from Greenskin Ch 5 (3) has better dps and tanking stats. I prefer dps stats for weapons.
4. The Darkelf Ch 5 (2) is 1H sword is junk because the R6 RR6 weapon is better. The other (2) reward (boots of body) armor isn't better than the Renown also.
5. The Darkelf Ch 5 (3) gloves shows the better tankin stats over RR Gear as well.

I assume that I can do those Chapter Influence before Rank 12, and onto Chapter 6.


I think for abbreviation, I'll refer to this format:
Race + Chapter Number (Influence Level) Item.
So G5(3) Shoulder means Greenskin Ch 5 (level 3) influence, Shoulder item reward.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

WAR - Destruction Day 2

WAR - Destruction Day 2

So yeah, I re-rolled a new pair: Rahl, a Chosen with Jennsen, a Zealot.

Rahl is a reference to House of Rahl, and Richard Rahl, Master of Dhara from Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series. The name Kahlan was taken, so I took Jennsen who is a half-sister to Richard and is immune to direct magic. I could not think of any good combo names, and I did not want to use Sanctume + Spiritstone combo again--maybe later on alternate characters.

I work late on Tuesdays so I did not have much time to play, but I managed to get to Rank 6 before I logged out for the night. I think my /played time was 5 hours and new to the starting area.

The Chosen plays similarly with the Ironbreaker but his damage is more Spirit Based by debuffing the enemy of magical resistance which then leaves the target vulnerable for more spell damage from the group.

The Ironbreaker can strip the target's armor so more melee damage can happen.

The Zealot plays the same as the Rune Priest.

The knowledge and experience I gained playing the Ironbreaker and Rune Priest was very useful as I am tackling the content more aggressively than just sword and board + healing style.

I use a 2H weapon when dealing with PvE content, and only switch to one-hander and Shield for tougher Champion and Hero npc.

In PvP, I use the 2H on skirmishes, and 1H+Shield when defending objective, or meeting a zerg.

My 2nd computer crashed to desktop twice last night, it seems like it crashes after 2 hours playing. There's no wait queue to enter Drakwald server. The scenario wait for Tier 1 is more than 5 minutes, but I was able to focus on grinding PvE content for influence points and experience points, so the queue times was ok.

When queue times are faster, it is better to just hang around the warcamp so that I can complete the scenario quest and kill enemy quest.

I hope to get to Rank 10 before Friday, and try to get Rank 20 before next week.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

WAR - Destruction Day 1

WAR - Destruction Day 1

All servers were down last night just before Pacific Standard Time prime time, and the guild decided to not put up with the server queue for Skull Throne.

So, we all re-rolled Destruction in Drakwald server, which was a Medium Order / Medium Destruction last night.

The scenario queue was a bit longer than what I was use to, about 5+ minutes. And it was 30+ minutes after prime time.

I quickly rolled a Black Orc and a Shaman up to Rank 7. But I realize I am not liking the combo chains on the Black Orc. So I will re-roll a Chosen with a Zealot tonight.

At least there will not be a server wait queue.

Monday, September 22, 2008

WAR - Weekend 1

WAR - Weekend 1

Previously, "I ended the evening with Ironbreaker R12 RR8, and Runepriest R11 RR8."

09.21.2008 Sanctume, Ironbreaker R18 RR14
09.21.2008 Spiritstone, Rune Priest R17 RR12

I have over 2 days 4 hours /played on Sanctume with definite /afks since it sucks to be in a wait queue for 5-30 minutes in Skull Throne server.

There's an Armory type page called Realm Wars, click the link above for mine.

Friday night

My immediate goal was to get to Rank 14 so that I can get a weapon upgrade for the Ironbreaker.

And also for some of the cool abilities such as Knock Down, Knock Away, and the Prayer of Mending type healing--a heal that automatically jumps to those needing it.

I queued up for Mourkain Temple (Dwarf vs Greenskin) Tier 2 Scenario while I did the quests in the Dwarf zone, Marshes of Madness. I also had to adjust a few hotkeys so that I can strafe left and right on both computers.

In the T2 scenario, the Order side wins and loses about half the time. Whoever gets the artifact first eventually wins. When a rank 20 mounts up from the start, this indicates that my wide will most likely win. I would put my Oathfriend and Guard on that player; and have the Rune Priest set his defensive target.

The server queue is so bad that I kept my toons logged in and asked my daughter to press the Space Bar once in a while--while I spent about 30 minutes cooking dinner in the kitchen.

I hit Rank 14 at the end of Friday Night.


I have moved to Barak Var, the 2nd area of the Dwarf T2 zone. Questing and queue for scenarios.

We had people on the queue, so we did the Troll Crossing scenario. I dropped Spiritstone and let my son play his Archmage solo for a bit.

The scenario was great exp, and I also did some grinding for the "Kill NPC" who gives some flat exp for every specific mob I kill.

After the guild scenario was done, I was near Rank 15 while Spiritstone was still in Rank 14.

I had several crash to desktop on one machine but seldom both. I would play scenario on the Rune Priest while the Ironbreaker is in the server wait queue.

I think I hit Rank 16 and R15 at the end of my Saturday gamign sesison.


The server wait queue are the same 5 to 20 minutes long. With some crash to desktop. I even crashed loading Altdorf on one machine that costed me 15 minutes. I was ran out of quest in Barak Var so I I wondered if I can do the sewers in Altdorf--NOPE, a bunch of R 14 Champions, and multi-mob pulls.

I dumped my apothecary stuff in the Bank and went back to Shadowlands -- Chapter 5/6/7 Highelf zone.

The leveling has definitely slowed. I consumed all the PvE content for Tier 2 Dwarf and I'm only Rank 16 into Tier 2--with some scenarios played.

This is becoming a slow level grind.

I've played more Phenix Gate scenarion on Sunday. It is similar to Warsong Gulch. Cap flags. First 500 point wins. Whoever has more point after 15 minutes, scenario ends.

There's a bug that the Destruction side exploit.. They cap our flag, and they can run up to their starting area. The problem here is there are Rank 50 guard that can one shot any T2 player.

There's also an area on the Order side that is not climbable by the Destruction. In this hilltop, there's a Repeater Balista that an 1 player can man constant shooting whoever gets in range in middle and part of the Order flag area. The only setback here is as I tried manning with a R16, I got lousy exp and RR because most battles happen elsewhere other than the middle.

Next Goal

Elyrion is the next zone for Chapter 8/9/10 I think. I hope to hit Rank 20 after finishing Elyrion. If not, then I will just grind scenarios and kill quests.

Buy a mount (mini-copter) at Rank 20 for 15 gold. I think I have 22 gold on the Ironbreaker, and 17 gold on the Rune Priest.

Friday, September 19, 2008

WAR - Day 1

The Skull Throne server has its usual wait queue to enter around 20 minutes during prime time.

My Rune Priest crashed to desktop and so I played my Ironbreaker while the RP was in queue. When my Ironbreaker crashed to desktop (WAR.exe error), I queued and took a break.

I ended the evening with Ironbreaker R12 RR8, and Runepriest R11 RR8.

I was doing quests in Chapter 5 and 6 and I have a few completed quest that I can turn in, but I am not sure which town/area to go and turn them in. I hate the running between towns without Flight Path.

Instead, I just keep doing Tier 2 scenarios and repeat that with the kill 25 enemy quests. The scenario goes fast within 2 minutes that I don't have time to get to the other quest before I am queued in.

PvP in Tier 2 - Dwarf vs Greenskin Scenario
I see a lot of Witch Elves stealth and attack the back ranks of healer and caster.

Since I was low level 11, I moved front and back with the IB without staying too long. I build enough Grudge to snare and knockdown targets that one of the higher level tanks focuses on. My IB switched Oathfriend and Guard often.

When the RP is under attack, I reset Oathbound and Guard, and the Rune Priest can stay up even when there's 2 higher level enemies (level 15/16s Black Orcs/Chosen) on the RP.

The RP has the non-interrupt bubble and the big heal and a decent Hot. With Taunt + Detaunt, and my IB's shield knock downs, I buy enough time for the allies to kill that targets.

I also observe that a lot of cross healing happening when there's a tank that tries to slow down the enemies in the back ranks.

The /assist key throws me off still because it does not work switching to that player that needs healing. I needed to add an /aid hotkey so RP can have a target to heal other than the IB.

What's the next goal?

I can't wait to get Rank 14. I think there are blue gear from the keeps that would be decent upgrades.

Then from Rank 15 to 20, I plan to grind PQ for gold to buy mounts at Rank 20.

Rank 14 will also have some decent ability combo for the IB and RP:

Ironbreaker "Away With Ye" is a 30 grudge knock back. I've seen this used effectively when knocking enemy front line tanks into my team, putting distance from the enemy's healers, and into my teams focus fire.

The Rune Priest "Rune of Serenity" is a heal that jumps to the next ally. This is similar to WOW's Prayer of Mending. It's a fire and forget heal.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

WAR - Last Day of Head Start

This got to be the shittiest gaming session.

I only leveled from 8 to 10, with 2 scenario RvR in the beginning. After I got booted off a scenario to character selection screen and a 2 minute queue, my 2-box did not get in any RvR anymore.

My UI says I'm in the queue, but I never got in for the rest of the night.
I end up doing most of Chapter 3, 4, and 5 Dwarf area PvE quests. I also did a few PQ which I thought was a waste of my time.

Obsinius (guildie) said it best, WAR fails without RvR. PvE is ok some of the time, but not all the time.

Anyway, I pushed my Ironbreaker with mostly Renown Gear at Rank 8 killing mobs Rank 7 to 9. At Rank 10, I was killing mobs Rank 9 to 12. I pull 3 to 4 mobs and see how many AoE I can handle them when clearing quest objectives. My only AoE is some shield move the minor cone damage, while the Rune Priest have an AoE Dot. AoE becomes micro-managing the Snare Dot Grudge move, with the RP assist dotting each target. Then it's a matter using shield bash when it's up.

The RP uses the small insta heal every shield bash the IB does, and the RP casts HOT every snare move the IB does.

NPC Champions and Hero are easy too with the IB's Taunt, and the RP's Detaunt combo. I would then cycle to grudge moves that give buffs: Toughness, Armor, and Strength. I also started using hotkeys to use up the RP's Rune Nuke, and the Morale abilities when the come up.

I was hoping I hit Rank 14 last night, but I'm satisfied to be able to access Tier 2 at least.

I'm R10 RR8. I will probably grind RR exp as 11 IB + 11 RP in the Tier1 scenario and play more out 2-boxing in a pvp environment.

I got sick of PvE last night that I took a 15 minute break and rolled 2 Engineers, named them [b]Locken and Load[/b]. Oddly enough, they got in a couple of RvR scenarios, I wondered why my IB/RP could not get in--but it was too late as I was in a Tier 2 camp at R9 at the time, I could not queue for the Tier2 scenario yet.

As fro the 2 Engineers, I wonder if they have good burst damage as a duo, without the weakness of 2 Bright Wizards.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

WAR - SE Head Start - Day 1

WAR - SE Head Start - Day 1

4:30 - 5:30 am
I was able to get to Rank 2 early in the morning from from 4:45 to 5:15 or so.
I only did the initial area quests, but did not do any scenario RvR.
My key mapping and macro are still intact from open beta.

7:00 - 7:25 pm PST - prime time
After another quick WAR.exe patch download, my wait queue for Skull Throne server was 364 of 364, estimated wait time was 40 minutes.
I got into vent and talked with the guildies. The highest level in the guild was Rank 14.

In the 25 minute wait queue, I managed to do some house chores and some bite to eat, add a few more keys in my script.txt for HotKeyNet, and read up on various message forums.

7:30 am - 1:00 am.
I played an Ironbreaker (IB), and Rune Priest (RP). I queued to a scenario right away.
Then I ran to the Chapter 2 town to pick up Scavenging for the IB, and Magical Salvaging for the RP.
I recalled back to the starting area to do more quest until Rank 4. I think I got in a scenario within 5 minutes.

By the time I was ready to bind in the Chapter 2 Town, I ran to the first Warcamp (not far).
I totally forgot to use my Renown Training points, 1 each Rank.
I was Rank 5 by the time I got to the Warcamp. I bought some Renown Rank (RR) Gear.
I used my RR training to get:
2 points in 5% EXP in RvR
2 points in 5% more gold from RvR loot
1 points in Toughness +3

In the WarCamp
This is an awkward place to be in because I want to maximize Rank xp and RR xp by doing scenarios.
There is a repeatable quest that you turn in, win or lose, by participating the RvR Scenario. I think I get 1400 xp for tuning in the quest.
This quest can be turned in the WarCamp, or any Chapter 2, or some Public Quest area where the NPC gives the RvR scenario quest.

The awkward part is, there is a "Kill 10 Enemy players" repeatable quest available only in the WarCamp.
Being in an RvR scenario, that 10 kill credit can come fast. On losing scenarios, I sometimes only get 3 or 7 kills.
But that quest is usually completed after the 2nd scenario queue.

So, I try to finish quests in the Chapter 2 area while I queue for the scenario.

By Rank 2, I managed to "solo 2-Box" a Chapter 2 Public Quest (PQ) inside the mines. Well, there's a 3rd person who prefer to solo.
After I completed the PQ objective, with 100% damage/healing on the last part. The 3rd person was still able to "roll" for the PQ Chest Loot.
My IB was last in the roll, my RP was the first, and the 3rd ungrouped solo person was 2nd.
I got a decent Body armor from it, so it was all good.

2-Boxing in an RvR Scenario.
I only played on the Dwarf area scneario. Capture 3 flag area. Whoever side gets 500 points first wins.

When the enemy don't bother attacking the healers in the back, my Ironbreaker was fighting 3 equal level enemies without a problem.
My RP was spamming 2 second cast nukes more than healing early on. I mostly rely on a instant HOT that heals 1500 health over 15 seconds.

By Rank 8, my RP has a variety of keys that coincides with the IB keys.
Key: IB -- RP ability hotkeys:
T: Taunt -- Detaunt
1: Normal Melee attack that builds Grudge -- 2 sec cast Nuke
2: Throw -- Insta cast DOT.
3: Vengeful Strike dmg + Toughness to both -- Insta nuke 5 sec cool down
4. Grudge Attack dmg + Armor to both -- Assist Key
5: Shield Slam Knockdown attack -- Insta Heal small
6: Snare attack + DOT -- Insta HOT
7. none -- Damage reduction bubble
8. Shield Cone AoE attack -- AoE DOT
9. Oath Friend Buff -- RP Buff str/int I htink.
0. Flee -- Flee
-. Grudge to Action Points -- not key mapped.
=. Heal Potion -- not key mapped.

U: none -- Insta Heal
I: none -- Target RP
F: /follow -- /follow IB
G: none -- /target IB, /follow

So based on this, I can press "I" and use any healing on the RP from the IB's controllingn keyboard.
I + U: heal RP
I + 6: hot RP
I + 7: bubble RP

I usually smash my "4" key for assist.
4 + T is the best opener. Taunt on IB give 30% more damage. Detaut from RP makes the target do less damage.

I also spam G + F, or G + G to set auto follow.

I am having trouble passing "H" as Strafe Left for both IB and RP.
I wanted to use it to stop auto follow and give distance between my RP from the front lines.

When the enemy goes for the RP, the RP has some tools to help survive.
Detaunt + Bubble + Hot + spamm small heals.
By this time, I manually use MOUSE CLICKS on the IB if it's only 1v2 or 2v2.
Using mouse clicks at this point enables me to just spam 5, 6, 6 so the RP does not attack the enemy which breaks Detaunt.

I use the mouse clicks on hotkey 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8. I might start using J, K and L for those attack purpose that dont pass keys for the RP's keyboard.

Ahh, that's all for now.

I ended my night parked at the WarCamp with 2 quests left in the Chapter 2 area.
Both my Ironbreaker and Rune Priest were Rank 8 at 5 hours + x minutes /played.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WAR - Head Start

I needed to activate my EA/Mythic account using the 2nd key for Head Start that was in my Pre-Order Open Beta keys.

I only managed to get Rank 2.

I am 2-boxing an Ironbreaker and a Rune Priest.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

WAR Last Day Open Beta

I managed to get in a week of open beta. I only played at night after work, about 4 to 6 hours a night, less server downtimes. I logged in 12 hours on Satuday.

Rune Priest (RP) Level 8. Soloed.

The only healer with consistent spike heals on demand.

My solo dps is slow but enough to get my the low levels:
1. 1 or 2 sec cast small nuke, no cool down (CD)
2. Instant small damage over time (DOT)
3. Instant a bit big nuke with 5 CD

It's easy to get groups going because everyone knows having a healer makes things go faster.

When I was getting beat on, I have an array to prolong my survival:
1. Instant Detaunt on a target hitting me makes their damage to me less right away, 50% i think.
2. Instant Self Damage reduction buff. I think 30%
3. Instant small heal.
4. Instan heal over time (HOT)
5. 2 sec cast bubble that makes casting uninterruptable to some degree
6. 2 sec cast huge heal
7. I believe I get another huge instal heal from Morale (being in combat for a long duration)

I would say that RP some great survivability by itself, but also improves with a dedicated IB passive mitigation buffs.

Iron Breaker (IB) Level 10. 2-box with WP.

I think this is the type of tank that focuses on survival--prolonging fights in order for other group to do their job.

An IB builds Grudge (or Rage as per WoW Warrior) by using some abilities. What differs from Rage is that some abilities that require Grudge is like a finishing move that unloads all the Grudge you have stored, but the damage bonus is broken by tiers 0-24, 25, 50, 75, and max of 100.

The best tools for IB are:
1. Oathfriend (OF) on one target. +10 Grudge each time OF is attacked.
2. Taunt. Target's is interrupted, takes 30% more damage from me. Lasts 15 second, or I get hit 3 times. 15 sec CD.
3. Guard. put this on your OF and split the damage done to them and you.

The next best utility I've used for Grudge are:
1. Binding Grudge - 10 sec Dot + 40% Snare
2. Shield of Reprisal - 225 damage + 3 second knockdown
There's plenty more at later levels.

There's also utility abilities that buff me and my OF:
1. Vengeful Strike - 120 Toughness for 20 seconds.
2. Guarded Attack - 990 Armor for 20 seconds
3. Inspiring Attack - 120 Strength for 20 seconds, with
25-100 Grudge" Willpower 120 - 480. Willpower helps healers from being disrupted.

With the use of shields, my IB can my stick around in battle a bit longer; and give more mitigation to one player, my OF.

Warrior Priest (WP) Level 10. 2-box with IB.

Granted I only played WP as a 2nd in my 2-box set up, but there are plenty of passive healing and some micro management HOTs while I'm doing melee DPS.

There is little spike heals from a WP, so fights with the IB is a bit of a a gamble and hope that allies come join the fray and spot heal / dps while defending a flag area.

Fighting in RvR this IB/WP duo can handle 2 to 3 even players even with just the HOTs.

WP uses Righteous Fury (RF) and it's similar to a WoW Rogue's energy. I start with 250 and it gets used up to cast abilities requiring RF.

This also means, I have abilities that helps build RF back up.

1. Dvine Aid (55 RF) 247 heal + 663 hot over 9 sec
2. Healing Hand (30 RF) 1500 hot over 15 sec
3. Divine Strike (30 RF) 75 damage. Then heals 50% od damage dealt to defensive target + alliest within 10 feet. Insta cast, no CD.

4. Prayer of Devotion - Group Buff. 20% chance heal 112 when groupmates attack enemy.
5. Divine Favor (Rank 1 Morale) 1800 Heal on one target. Morale takes time to build up, so this is situational extra healing.

It's too early a level to determine how much damage and toughness the WP can be at max level. If they are tough enough that the enemy will choose a clothie as first target, then they have potential.

I hope WP can use Shields. Whatever renown gear I got it was eitehr a 2Hander, or 1 hander + book offhand.

Witch Hunters 2x Level 7 - 2 Box.

Their damage is uber.
Positional damage from behind is easy to do with 2 characters.

It would also be uber if I got them stealth so I can dump damage 2x.

But as I was leveling them without a tank and healer, I get owned by adds.

In Public Quest (PQ), it's easy to get people in a group and both my toons are on to of highest contributions. The drawback is when it's 2 am and no one is around, I can't do an even level Champion/Hero NPC. I get no where other than play in pugs.

In Pug games in Nordenwatch, there often a few of the zergs who break way from the pack, and those are my targets.

I don't last long when I get focused fired in a clash of zergs.

The rest I leveled were less than level 6. Sword Master 4, Arch Mage 4, Bright Wizard 3, a 2nd Ironbreaker 2, a 2nd Rune Priest 3.

Friday, September 12, 2008

WAR Day 4 - Open Beta 2-Box Witch Hunter

Combat System with 2x Melee Class

1. I got 2 Witch Hunters (WH) around Rank 6 last night, mostly doing PvE quests and about 3 scenario runs. Named them Laracroft and Hansolo!

2. My son who is 8 controlled the 2nd WH some of the time, but I did usually use my broadcast keys to auto follow my main WH and I also had plenty of times where I was controlling both WH to fight in combat.

3. Combat using 2 melee in WAR is much easier in than WoW.

4. Auto Follow does not break even when the 2nd WH is auto melee attacking, using melee ability on the enemy target.

5. I would pull a mob and position the mob between me and the 2nd WH. I read that at later levels, attacking from behind give extra damage.

Public Quests with Witch Hunters

6. With 2 WH, both characters were up in the top 10 contributions in public quests.

7. The definite drawback of WH is we can't tank. There was a remote PQ and there was no tank. Trying to kill a Rank 4 Hero NPC even at Wh Rank 6, my ass got handed by the NPC.

I can imagine some game sessions I would have in the future on a time where no one is playing except me. My 2 WH setup won't be able to finish a PQ that I'm grinding for area influence.

Witch Hunters in RvR

8. I spent some time observing zerg behavior in RvR, and there seems to be some gung ho type guys who breaks away from the main zerg to try to cap objectives by themselves, or gank people who are doing the same thing, or flank the casters that stay behind the front lines, or are looking to road fight.

9. Since I don't have stealth yet I find myself hanging in the back with the casters and sure enough, those gung ho player attacking the casters become my target.

Crafting System

10. I wanted to try a Talisman Crafting because I looted some stuff for Talisman Making. I end up with 1 Talisman Crafter who has not done anything.

11. My main WH took Scavenging Skill which is allows me to loot some corpses. It's similar to Skinning in WoW. If a corpse is looted from normal loot, the corpse sometimes can be scavenge.

12. Since I was looting a lot, my bags become full quick.

User Interface/Addons
13. I also downloaded Auto Loot Addon from curse gaming. This was installed in the User Interface/Addons folder. "User Interface/Addons/Auto Loot"

14. I think Talismans are similar to Jewelcrafting in WoW. Some items have Talisman Slots to min/max stats. Which lead to me researching what Stat Attributes are in WAR.

Stats and Attributes in WAR

15. I found this off the VN Boards. You can also mouse over the (P) Character Page and it will tell you what each stat do:

16. Strength increases your damage with melee damage, both magical and physical. It also lowers your enemy's chance to parry.

17. Weapon Skill increases your armor penetration and increases your chance to parry.

18. Ballistic Skill increases your damage with ranged abilities, physical only. It also lowers your enemy's chance to block.

19. Initiative increases your chance to dodge and reduces your chance to be crit. It also increases your stealth detection.

20. Intelligence increases your damage with ranged abilities, magical only. It also lowers your enemy's chance to disrupt.

21. Willpower increases your disrupt and increases your healing power.

22. Toughness is a flat decrease to the damage you receive, based on the speed of the attack.

23. Wounds increases your health by 10 HP per 1 wounds.

24. Armor increases your physical damage absorbtion, both ranged and melee.
Block increases your chance to avoid all damage, melee/ranged and physical/magical.

25. Parry increases your chance to avoid melee damage, both physical and magical.

26. Dodge increases your chance to avoid ranged physical damage.
Disrupt increases your chance to avoid ranged magical damage.

27. There's also Resists.

Bugs and Annoyance

28. The server Ekrund kept crashing last night.

29. There is a major bug in /invite that invite someone else from the player name I type.

30. Even when I target the player and choose Invite to Party, I was getting "cannot invite enemy player" bullshit message. I'm sure it will be fixed since they announced it's gone gold.

Witch Hunter Guide

31. I started googling for Witch Hunter guide to get some more ideas, and here's one I found entertaining from some tester's blog:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

War Open Beta - Day 3

War Open Beta - Day 3

2-Boxing Software

1. I was able to use HotKeyNet from It's free and faily easy to setup.

2. I set my laptop as server, and the 2nd computer setup as client.

3. I write and load a text file script that basically broadcast a keystroke to both computers.

4. I started broadcasting keys: 1 to 9, F, G, U, I and SPACE.

WAR Macro
5. I did my standard Assist, Target, Follow macro.

6. I need a macro to heal my target something like:
/cast [target=Sanctume]

7. /macro don't open the macro edit box. I stil have to press ESC then choose macro from the menu.

2-Box Game Play Tank + Healer

8. I played from level 1 an Iron Breaker with a Rune Priest 2-box.

9. The character who does the auto follow stays around 5 feet away, and can get stuck quickly from obstacles and other players.

10. The Ironbreaker pulls with a thrown weapon using Key 2, and mashes Key 1 to use a melee ability.

11. The Rune Priest has the assist macro in Key 4. After I hit 4, and mash Key 1, my Ironbreaker uses his melee and the Rune Priest uses his nuke spell on the mob my Ironbreaker is on.

12. The Rune Priest has Key U with the insta heal spell. It seems like after I assist, pressing the U will heal the Ironbreaker.

13. I want to setup Key I to heal the Rune Priest himself.

14. I am unsure how the /aid command works.

2-Box Game Play: 2x Melee

15. When I pull a mob with my Ironbreaker and move back towards the Rune Priest, assisting does not break auto follow.

16. The Rune Priest starts auto attacking also automatically does some sort of /face or /stick to the current mob.

17. If my Ironbreaker pulls the mob behind the Rune Priest, the Rune Priest turns to continue auto attacking the mob.

18. I moved my Level 2 IronBreaker in a spot where at least 4 agro are near, and I was able to fight all 4 mobs with little issue since the Rune Priest can nuke and heal.

19. The Rune Priest grabs agro sometimes but there are spells and abilities at later levels to to manage agro between Tank and Healer.

The rest of the evening I played with the guild and I used my 7 Rune Priest who dinged to Rank 8 / Renown Rank 8

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

WAR - Open Beta - Day 2

WAR - Open Beta - Day 2

[b]2-Box: failed at attempt 1[/b]
1. I got 2 WAR.exe running on 2 separate computers.

2. KeyClone don't work. KeyClone sends WinKey to windows and WAR client don't accept that.

3. My other software solution is to use HotKeyNet which I will try later on.

4. So I try the old pure dual box, 2 mice, 2 keyboards.

5. I made 2 simple macro:
"G" /target
"F" /follow
"4" /assist

6. There is not much documentation on how to set up other parameters such as /cast, or /focus.

7. The macro I created for one character, is the same macro for the other character of the same account. I did not see any option to create a separate macro for each character's local copy.

WoW has 18 global macro + 18 local (individual character) macro.

8. There is no /macro command. I have to access the macro via ESC then choose Macro from the main menu.

[b]Video and User Settings[/b]

9. My lag on my laptop is still there even when I updated the current video drivers, and enabled SLI running at 1920 x 1200 @ Balanced setting. I will need to tweak it again.

Also, I'm only have 2 Go 7950 GTX, which is already dated according to this [url=,1965-6.html]list of video cards[/url].

10. In past games, the excitement I feel about playing them usually is an motivator to upgrade at least one of my 3 gaming machines. I have no desire to upgrade for WAR this time.

11. My desktop computer running a single 7800 GT loads things faster. But I set that up as "Highest Framerate" instead of Balance or Quality.

12. WAR.exe does not run in a Portrait Mode of my monitor, so I switch back to landscape at 1600 x 1080. I get no error message. I get nothing, just back to the desktop.

[b]Dual Boxing Alts[/b]

13. I rolled an Iron Breaker + Rune Priest. Tank and Healer--yeah nothing exciting about it.

14. The Ironbreaker basically pulls with a range weapon, then mash attack buttons.

15. The Rune Priest Assist, Dot, Assist Nuke, Heal, Hot. It's the most simple way to control a 2nd keyboards without moving the mouse too much.

16. I wish I know the command to "Accept" via keyboards hotkey.

17. I wish there is a way to Rlick on a quest and Share it, instead of opening the quest log (Tome of Knowledge) and find the Share link.

18. Turning in quest is the same limitation as in WoW. Each character needs to R-Click on the NPC, and click the correct orange Icon, then click on the rewards / complete.

I don't see why there's no UI / AI that auto complete quests that gives one rewards when I'm in the vicinity of the NPC.

19. Kill Quest - everyone in the group gets credit for killing mobs needed for a quest, great.

20. Collection Quest - they suck as each group member has to collect for themselves. Collection quest should be just like kill quest, give credit to all group members.

For example, I rolled 2 Witch Hunters. The quest wanted to open 3 doors to free peasants. I have to open 6 doors total for the group, instead of 3. It's stupid and a waste of time.

[b]PvE Questing vs RvR Leveling[/b]

21. I stopped trying to do quest and I just kept joining queue for the RvR scenario at the beginning town.

22. Dwarf - Ironbreaker + Rune Priest. The win-loss is pretty much 50-50, for a bunch of level 1s. But then there will be times when I enter with a level 11 tank enemy soaking all the level 1- 7 nukes to no avail because he has level 10+ healers behind.

23. Empire - 2x Witch Hunters. 2 range classes work ok but each needs some active button mashing. It can work when I get HotKeyNet working. I can also try a hardware solution.

23. Empire - 2x Bright Wizards. 2 Nuke Class own as long as there are no enemy melee nearby, but when they get on me, I'm dead. I think I died the most as Bright Wizards, definitely need to be in a coordinated and balanced group to be this fragile dps.

24. Elves - Sword Master + Arch Mage. The 2 works great. The sword master has his combo sequence type play style, and the Archmage has dots and hots, nukes and heals.

25. I progress well with the Elf Sword Master and Arch Mage combo. My Arch Mage still gets exp and Renown points while auto following most of the time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

WAR Open Beta - Day 1 - Rune Priest

[b]Running the game[/b]

1. I came home after patching in the morning.
I run WAR.exe and I got some error.

2. I run patcher.exe and WAR.exe was updated.

3. I can't run WAR.exe straight from a short cut desktop icon.
I need to run patcher.exe first so it scans the file manifest, then click Agree, and finally Play.

4. I have to click "I Agree" check box, after scrolling all the way to the bottom of the scroll box [u]everytime[/u] I want to play.
It don't remember that I agree despite the fact I paid $5 to beta it.

[b]Character Creation[/b]

5. My first impressions on the graphics is that there's too many shades of brown. The game looks muted and washed. It is similar to the color scheme of DAoC, lots of grays and browns.

6. I started a dwarf, then Rune Priest, and the standard face, skin, eyes, hair, beard color/style selection.

[b]Loading... Connecting... Lag![/b]

7. I finally was able to enter the game.
I moved a few steps and it was [u]laggy.[/u]
I right click on the first NPC with some green icon in (quest available) and I crashed to desktop. No error message. It was lag or my graphics?

8. I went to settings.
I'm running SLI 9750GTX video cards.
1920 x 1200 Full Screen. Set to Highest Quality. No Shadows.

9. I went back into the game. It was still a laggy.
I notice at least 10 dwarves (player) in my immediate view.

[b]Solo PvE Questing[/b]
10. Walking around the area and getting PvE quests done. Even quests objectives are in the same staring room.

11. Minimap, the Map, and Quest log with Quest info are intuitive and straight forward.

12. After a while of questing (from 1 to 7) the walking and running around gets boring and tiring.

13. I found some irritating quest where I need to kill 6 normal spawn mobs, and 1 Big Un boss. The area is relatively small with 6 areas where the normal mobs spawn, but it took some time to find where the Big Un boss spawn.

And since I was solo, and so were other noobs in the area who don't want to group. Tagging the Big Un boss was kill tag stealing ks. It spawns maybe ever 2 minutes or 3, but I wasted plenty of time looking and figuring out where he spawns

14. Some quests moves me onward out of one area to the next.

What I mean is, Start and Point A, and end at Point B. The NPC in Point A gives you a quest, and kill x mobs along the train tracks. After I kill x mobs, I turn in the quest at NPC Point B. So I don't need to back to Point A anymore--and no reason to unless I still have quests back in Point A.

[b]PvP - Scenarios[/b]

15. Each area has it's own scenarios where I can queue from the minimap icon. There are NPC in the town/city that gives a quests for the scenario.

16. Scenarios are like BG in WoW terms where you fight the other faction.

17. At level 1 Rune Priest (actually [u]it's called Rank[/u] not Level), I have a single nuke and an insta heal. When I enter a scenario at level 1, I get bumped up as a level 8 health and action point wise. But I only have 1 nuke and 1 insta heal.

18. At Rank 7, I have skill/ability/spells: 1 nuke, 1 dot, 1 bug nuke, 1 aoe dot.
1 insta heal, 1 hot, 1 bubble, 1 insta cast damage reduction, 1 single buff.

19. Spells are available from the Rune Priest Master npc in town for some price. I did not have to worry about money at Rank 7 because I have plenty to buy my spells from doing quests and selling gray items to a merchant npc. Spells are available based on Ranks.

20. So, sure a level 1 can participate in the scenario and good enough to stand on a flag area needed to be capture. At Rank 1, I can still nuke from up above a ledge down to enemies below.

21. There is a Renown points bar which is another kind of Level that is gained while in PvP or RvR. Renown (pronounced as Re-Noun) /shrug.

22. I can queue for a Scenario while I do my PvE quest.
I get a popup to join, and after the Scenario or after I get booted to desk top (It happened 3 times), I am back to the spot where I accepted the Scenario.

23. I am put in a raid/group called warband when I enter a scenario.

24. There is some time (30 seconds to a minute maybe) before a scenario starts. So I can buff up. If I try to run and jump down, I am teleported back to the starting spot until the scenerio starts.

25. The scenario was laggy sometimes until I guess all the players participating are loaded in my video's memory.
The first scenario looks like 10 to 15 players each side.
The objective is to control 3 flag areas.

26. The first scenario I joined went fairly fast--around 5 to 10 minutes. I turned it in for xp as well. And I can repeat it.

[b]PQ - Public Quest[/b]

27. I came upon an area where there is a PQ in progress. I started going at it killing x mobs as a solo player. After the objective is completed, the PQ resumes to the next objective. And finally to the last objective where killing a npc boss, labelled CHAMPION or HERO.

28. After the last objective of the PQ is done, there is a chest icon and the top 10 players who contributed to the PQ gets to roll on loot.

29. So, a group doing the quest has more chance to get the PQ loot, and their contribution would be more if they can tag more of the the mobs and objectives.

30. In one PQ, I was solo and my Rune Priest barely contributed despite me dotting everything and grabbing the occasional mob spawns.

31. In another PQ, I was grouped with an Iron Breaker tank, and 2 Engineer range dps. I was 2nd in place contribution points from nuking, dotting and healing.

32. PQ Loot. I won roll and got a "Loot Bag" in my inventory. I open the bag, and I have a choice of 1 items inside from armor, potions, to other trade skill materials, or money.

33. There is also an NPC that gives Influence Loot. There are 3 tiers of loot depending on how much you contributed (or how long you've been doing the PQ in the area). So you can grind the PQ for a bit until you have a Tier 3 Influence Points to get your loot.

[b]RvR Zone[/b]

34. By the time I moved on faster to the RvR zone, I was only Rank 7 skipping quests, and getting my quest log became full.

35. By this time that I am low in Rank, and my Solo dps is sub-par for some of the objectives. It is apparent that solo in no longer efficient and I [u]need[/u] a group.

36. There lies my issue. I [u]need[/u] a group to advance in a somewhat efficient manner.

37. I will need to find out if there's a LFG Looking For Group tool in game.

38. Sure there will be a guild to join later on.
But I can see that with different starting areas for each race, lowbies will have to learn how to find the RvR Warcamp so that they can use the Flight Master to go to other race's area.

39. With guildies who play at different times, and level at various speeds, the Rank disparity will not enable them to do same Rank scenarios until max Rank.

What I'm saying is, I'm Rank 7 and other guildies are Rank 12, we can't be in the same scenario until I catch up to maybe Rank 10 or 11.

40. I wonder if one can speed level through the PvE Ranks to 40. Then just grind Scenarios and RvR to get Renown ranks.

[b]41 Would time spent in a Renown 1 to 10, while at Rank 1 to 10 be the same amount of time getting it Renown 1 to 10 whiel at Rank 40?[/b]

[u]Overall Impression[/u]

1. I don't like the graphics. The choppiness gave me a headache. It reminded me back in the days after playing Doom 1 or Spear of Destiny in a Pentiun 1 w/ VGA. It sucks that bad, really.

2. The PvP would definitely be fun with "a guild of noobs" instead of "a pug of noobs." It will be more fun to hear cries in Vent win or lose.

3. I definitely will not be playing a healer unless is a heal-bot-box; or better mod UI to indicate and hotkey targets and heals and hots.

4. PvE is a necessary evil, and at least a 2-box will make leveling through the PvE Ranks more efficient since I play at odd hours or marathon weekends some of the time. That is why I was wondering how fast to level up Renown while at Rank 40.

5. I did not get an interest feel for the underlying story and lore behind the quests. It felt like I just grind the area until I'm done to move on. I guess one can say it's RvR with PvE as an after thought--definitely the opposite of of WoW.

6. There's at least a minor replay value in the Scenario for Rank 1 to 10. I would like to play there again at max level using all my spells instead of being Rank 8 with 1 nuke and 1 heal.

Monday, September 8, 2008

So I pre-oder 2 boxes...

Online pre-orders mean you get your open beta keys via email.

I called 6 different GameStop stores around my area and found one with more than one pre-order box.

Oh the nightmare of File Planet download!

So there I was, Saturday morning and got File Planet wait queue 648 or 648 approximately 6 hours before I can start downloading a 9.4 GB file.

Since I was only waiting, I played some DOTA instead of WoW. Once my wait queue was up, estimated 16 hours downloading at my dsl speed of 150 (byes/sec?).

When I started surfing you tube on the other puter, my d/l speed went down to 50, so I shut down the other puters while I play Single Player Campaign of Warcraft 3.

At midnight, I was 6 of 9 gb... so I went to bed. My first error was my laptop wa setup to shut down after 5 hours!!!! Unfortunately, I was able to download 9.3 GB of 9.4 GB!

By Sunday morning, when I try to continue to download, it started at the wait queue of 1800 of 1800. F***!

So, I paid $7 to "skip the line" in File Planet. The 2nd problem was, my download started at 0 of 9.4 GB, est time: 17 hours!!!!

I search and read the FAQ, and I'm S.O.L -- terminated download = re-download. So I set my laptop to a desktop config without shutting down anything automatically. *sigh*

In desperation, I googled and foung that WinRar 3.71 can read the FilePlanet DLM file. There's hope, so I thought. I was able to extract whatever file I got with only 5 corrupted *.myp files. I ran setup.exe and it ran! But when I ran the patcher, it told me that lots of files are missing and I need to re-install the beta files. *cry*

I searched for a Torrent download and googled some company named BAYDOWNLOAD.COM and it's a SCAM! Good thing I did not pay to join them.

A guildie offered to ftp the files to my computer. So I tried setting up Serv-U and it conflicted with my current Fileplanet download session, so no ftp solution.

I considered buying a 16 GB Flash Drive and visit my guildie 10 miles away too, but I did not do that and just wait on the re-download.

On the good positive spin:
I played Maiev stop Illidan from easting the Eye of Guldam.
I played Karl hook up with Vash and Illidan to defeat Magtherion and conquer all of Outlands.
and I got to start playing Arthas stop all the humans from escaping Lorderon!

I stopped when I was about to go back to Northrend because the Lick Kick commended me!
Iit was midnight also and I had another 2 GB left to download.

So 5 a.m. this morning and File Planet is downloading some key file to unencrypt what I downloaded. By 5:15 I was able to run setup.exe and my Mythic patching has begun.
So I went to work hoping to be home and play beta tonight.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Warhammer open beta soon

I have not pre-ordered Warhammer yet, and the open beta starts Sunday Sept. 7, 2008.

I have 5 account in WoW now and I did not cancel any yet to save some money for when I try Warhammer.

For now, I have little knowledge of Warhammer and I want to keep it that way until I can fully commit to at least 2 accounts there.

As for World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King expansion is still 2 months away.

I manged to level a 61 Shaman named Sanctumes and a 60 Mage named Sanctuaxi in 26 hours.
I also have a 45 Shaman and 45 Warlock as well.

In the past week, I just try to do some daily quest to raise money for when I decide to buy epic 60 land mounts on the new batch of level 60s.

I don't have any plans if I want to pursue 70 with:
61 Mage, Joiya
60 Mage, Gemstar
61 Shaman, Sanctumes
60 Mage, Sanctuaxi

I don't have a 5th character in the level 60s.

I have a 57 Paladin, Sanctitty in the same account as Gemstar. Transfer for $25 may be worth it?

Or just try Warhammer with a single account maybe?