Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ogrila Daily Quests

I started the evening by pooling my gold and I was around 4200 gold! I then proceeded to do IQD dailies, and the 3 SSO packs in Outlands. I skipped Skettis and went straight to Ogrila.

I did the daily quests available for my Prot Pally, Holy Pally, Holy/Disc Priest, and Arms Warrior. I then switched to my Combat Mace Rogue in the same account as my Holy Pally. Soon, the server daily quests reset so I decided to push my gaming for the evening and do the Ogrila Daily quests. I think I ended up with over 5600g because my Rogue had 700g on him, lol.

I can buy a 4th epic flyer and it will be for the priest. This means my Holy Pally will not be doing Outlands and I'll use the Rogue instead. Perhaps I need to re-spec the Priest to Pure Holy.

I do not have a specific plan for the Holy Pally other than he was originally for Team Heroics.

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