Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Team Shaman

Well, the routine starts with Transmuting Primal Mights between 4 alchemist, 3 of them my Shamans. I transmuted 4 Primal mights, and 2 of them them proc'd 2x twice, a total of 4 Primal Mights.

I should also consider spending Primal Water (15g) and Primal Life (20g) for 5x Transmute Primal Mooncloths, but it's not as important today. I can probably sell each cloth at 50g each. Sell bags at 350 to 415 maybe, or just keep it.

I end up 4-boxing Alterac Valley last night, and had time to do the IQD quest, but no SSO packs.

I also spent 16k honor for Aszhat and ran a 3v3 Arena team with 2 other teams. We went 2-8, my elemental shaman was not ready for it, but welfare epic points are welcome.

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