Monday, May 5, 2008

Team Shaman: Ding 70!

Yes! Aszhat, Azzhat and Azhat all hit 70 last night. Aszhat hit 70 midway in the Scryer quest chain in Shadowmoon Valley. By the time Azzhat hit 70, Azhat was onlt 20% into 69.

It was a tough weekend, and I only did 1 day's worth of daily to get some gold. But I had plenty enough to buy each shaman the started flying mount (1200 each). Money-wise, the shaman's had 800, 640, and 500g on them when they hit 70.

What is next, to get them geared!

Let me list my routine for them:
Isle of Quel Danar (IQD) daily quests.
SSO Packs quest: Nagrand Goggles, Netherstorm Sunfury Attack Plan, and Throne of Kil'jaeden.
Sha'tar Rep to get the last PvP Rep.
Heroics for more Rep and Glyph Enchants.
Gems and Enchants.
Epic Flying Mounts.
Badge of Justice.

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