Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mass Updates

Vegas was fun, and I did bring my laptop and I played a few DotA. I did not really play much WoW except check the mail and do some auction house.

Tianak - 70 Undead Rogue
When I got home Saturday night, I played some Alterac Valley Battlegrounds on Tianak (Rogue). It's fun to roll with him along with other rogue guildies. I am planning to get a decent main hand weapon. I should have enough for Season 3 Main hand weapon, but I'm not sure if I should get sword, mace or dagger. Currently, I have tier 1 black smithing one-hand mace. In 2.4, the primal nethers will be tradeable and I can possibly upgrade all the way to tier 3. However, Season 3 is easier to get. And with Season 4 coming soon, getting blacksmithing weapons might be a moot point. If I get a Season 3 weapon, I will drop blacksmithing and pick up herbalism instead. Tianak's 2v2 team is at 1981 rating now, with a personal rating of about 1680.

Healmon - 70 Troll Priest
Monday, I spent time leveling Team Heroic, with Healmon (Priest) questing and grinding in Blades Edge Mountain and Shadowmoon Valley. I pretty much grinded on the mobs in Legion Hold from 50% into level 69 with a few starting quests in SMV. As soon as Healmon hit 70, I bought a flying mount for about 1k gold. I had about 1100 gold total between Sanctume, Semihrage and Healmon at the time. I then flew to Shattrath and did 10 arena games on a 3v3 with Sanctume, Lylefukinton, and Healmon.

Semirhage - 68 Bloodelf Paladin
I have Semihrage (Paladin) along in the Team Heroic level grind with Healmon (Priest) and managed to get him to level 68.

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