Monday, October 13, 2008

Cycle in Leveling + Power Level Notes

Cycle in Leveling + Power Level Notes
It's a cycle in this game. It sucks, then it's fun.

Being low ranks eligible to join the current tier = food for the higher tier.

In tier 1, it was fun and fast to level. A few Nordland scenarios, and you're Rank 4, 6 and closing to 8 in one evening. It's relatively easy to get to Rank 9, 10 and 11 and enjoy the rank advantage in Tier 1 scenarios.

Then in Tier 2, it's noticeable how Rank 12s get eaten up by a Rank 20s. The rank difference is stacked to the higher players Even the xp gains in the scenario benefits the higher levels more.

The Renown weapons from R9 sucked by Rank 12 and weapon upgrade is available at Rank 14. So the next best alternative is to grind Influence some decent upgrades. The problem is, same Rank Champion/Hero packs is tough, so I end up doing 1 Chapter below, or just grind the first phase 4 or 5 times until max influence.

The fast queues in Tier 2 was a saving grace to reach Rank 21+. It was more time efficient to hang out in Marsh of Madness and complete repeatable scenario and kill enemy quests for 2900 xp.

At Rank 20 and 21, I was getting around 5%-7% xp and renown for every win--that's with the 2900 xp from the 2 repeatable scenarion/kill quests.

Being Rank 19+ was a huge advantage also due to the RR weapon and gear upgrades available.

But by then, after nearing 80+ Mourkain Temple scenarios, it too feels like a sucky grind. Sure there are 2 other Tier 2 scenarrio, but the xp gains was not as good as Mourkain, and the queue is slower.

So now that I'm Tier 3, I plan to grind a few Influence gear upgrades before I hit the scenarios around Rank 28. But damn, influence grinds are just teh suck.

Power Level Notes

I rolled a Witch Hunter.
I had my 22 Rune Priest followed, and ungrouped.

- Buy +str +weapon +initiative from Auction House

- But Talisman and +Strength potion from Auction House

- The Kill Quest works by having my WH do the killing blow. This means if the mob is dotted by my RP and it died from the dot, my WH will not get kill credit even if the WH tagged the mob. It is faster to group with the RP and kill the needed mobs.

Chapter 1 Influence Grind went fast because it was just my 2 and 1 other noob. I had to do Chapter 1 PQ twice to max influence.

Chapter 2 Influence Grind went fairly fast also even with a few noobs leeching. The Rune Priest does ok AoE. Run around dotting every Rank 4 mobs, then 2 AoEs.

Chapter 3 Influence Grind was slow, and I could not kill the Rank 7 Hero spider because it kept spawning Rank 7 spiderlings that ate thru my shield and hots that I did not have enough AP to do damage. The extra spawns too kept agroing on my lowbie WH.

The best was to deal with it was have the WH solo mobs in Phase 1 for 100 Influence each.

- Any heals done to WH does not take away from the 100 infuence.

- When grouped, influence is split 50-50, but zeri xp for the WH.

- When not grouped and RP does damage, influence is split by damage, and xp gained on the Wh who tagged the mob is less also.

- Between bubble + 2 hots, my WH can kill. The only time savingw in this method is there is no downtime for healing. The WH still have to pause to get some AP back before pulling the next spider--and moving to the next spawn location.

- Having a high level healer follow along definitely makes questing go fast.

- I found some spots where there are fast spawns that might be a good candidate for AoE; but still, the kill rate depends on the lower character being power levelled.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I was thinking of doing th3 same with my 35 AM pl'ing a WH.

My thoughts were to grind lowbie PQ's. My question is does the lowbie get full xp from each stage completing and would it get full xp from T3 PQ's ?

I also read that as long as the mobs are within 8 levels of high level character, the lowbie would get 50% xp ?

Anyone tried.