Friday, June 27, 2008


Well, I have 8 level 70's between 4 accounts:

1.Paladin- Enchanter 285/375, Jewelcrafting 325/375
1.Rogue - Engineer 356/375, Herbalism 375 (epic flyer)
1.Shaman - Alchemy 375, Tailor 354/375

2.Priest - Alchemy 375, Enchant 300 (epic flyer)
2.Shaman - Alchemy 375, Tailor 354/375

3.Paladin - Blacksmithing 375, Enchanting 385 (epic flyer)

4.Warrior - Blacksmithing 375, Mining 375 (epic flyer)
4.Shaman - Alchemy 375, Tailor 360/375

I have not really been gather mats as I have no need for any at this time.
Ideally, the Rogue can gather motes via Engineering, and also do Herbs.
The warrior does the mining. And I don't have a need to leather.

My main paladin has a lot of the enchanting.

My Priest and 3 Shamans are all Master Transmute Alchemist. It was helpful during the times I needed Primal Mights.

My 3 Shamans are also tailor and at the time, I needed them to make Primal Mooncloths for the 20-slot bags. Perhaps that's a goal I will work on before WotLK expansion.

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