Friday, March 7, 2008

Questing in Shadowmoon Valley

I managed to level Semihrage to 69.25 in Shadowmoon Valley last night. At first, I plan to just grind demons in Legion Hold. I was getting 1070 xp per "solo" kill on Semihrage 68 Paladin versus level 67 mobs. I was 1 killing mobs at the rate of 20 seconds. All 3 toons were ungrouped.

I would cast Exorcism to tag the mob, at the same time Healmon is casting Mind Blast. After the initial pull, I do another Exorcism from Sanctume. The key presses on this using a 3-box is 4-3-r.

Then I would follow with Seal of Righteousness/Judgement and SoR again on both paladins, with Healmon casting Mind Flay. The sequence is 1-2-1.

The mob is dead with auto attack from Sanctume's Deep Thunder. Loot, then go on to the next mob and repeat all within 15 to 20 seconds.

The key layout are:
1: /castsequence SoR/Judgement
2: Judgement
3. none
4. none
5. Exorcism

1: /castsequence SoR/Judgement
2: Judgement
3. Exorcism
4. /assist Sanctume
5. none

1: none
2: Mind Flay
3. Exorcism
4. /assist Sanctume
5. none

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