Thursday, March 13, 2008

Paid Character Transfer Complete

It was just bad timing on my part when I bought my 4th account because Paid Character Transfer service was having issues the past 2 days.

Anyway, I just kept checking my WoW login to see if my character transferred, but alas, I was a noob! I had to go into the Account Management of the first account, and do some more button clicks to "Complete" the transfer, again verifying the credit card AND $25 fee.

After I got the 4th account running, I spent mostly copying over add-ons into the right WTF folders on ALL 3 computers.

Then I added more batch files on my desktop. I have 2-box batch file combinations on each remote computers that display Portrait mode in a 20" wide LCD. I use maximizer in the batch files:
2-1 Port.bat = means display account 2 on top, and account 1 on bottom, portrait mode.
So I have batch files for 3-1, 3-2, and now 4-1, 4-2, 3-4. Account 3 is always on top if not being played on the laptop (main); and 1 is always on the bottom.

For the 3rd computer (on my left) 2 is always on the bottom, with 3 and 4 on top.

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