Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Variety Night

It was Monday night and I have not done my welfare arenas point for the week!

So I loaded my 2-box team and got down to like 1250 rating, that's a 0-20 losing streak which I care little about it. The team consists of 3.Sanctume Prot Pally, and 1.Lylefukinton Warrior, and 1.Tianak Rogue.

After my 10 arena games, I did 1 Daily Battlegroung in Warsogn Gulch on Tianak, while Sanctume showed a guildie how to power level in Shadowfang Keep. Tianak won his BG. I loaded Lylefukinton for his Daily BG but the team sucked, so that's all the time I'll invest on it.

I loaded Tianak in my main laptop and had to tweak his UI some. I decided to have Tianak farm me some Primal Mana in Netherstorm Wizard Row. I intended to get 1 or 2 Primal Mana, but I end up with 32 Motes of Mana (or 3.2 Primal Mana). Tianak's pack was full, so I hearthed back.

Meanwhile, I flew Sanctume to Blade's Edge Mountin. I loaded in Lylefukinton and 2-box the Ogrila Daily Quests: 2x Single Simon, Bombing Run, Banish 15 Demons, and Wrangle 5x Nether Rays. I turned in for the gold and hearthed back Sanctume.

I then finished the night with Lylefukinton doing some Mining run in BEM, and also kill a few Fire Elementals for some Motes of Fire. I got about 1 Primal Fire and hearthed back. I queued up for another WSG and flew to Skettis to do the Egg Bombing Daily Quest. I was down to 5 eggs when the WSG queue popped. I wanted to complete the quest before entering WSG, but the queue timer expired on me. I decided to fly to Shadowmoon to check more mining nodes. When my hearthstone cooldown was up, I hearthed back and called it a night.

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