Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Power Level @ Blackrock Depth

Over the weekend, I managed to level #1.Aszhat Shaman to 55, and #2.Joiya Mage to 54 (a few bubbles short of 55). I also spent some "break" from AoE grinding by leveling up Joiya's Tailoring to 300, and Enchanting near 275. I will need a few more materials to push to the 300.

I also started some initial BRD runs for the next batch: #1.Gemstar Mage 43, and #2.Azzhat Shaman to 43. I was helping with a 60 Frost Mage plus one other to get the group bonus.

That was the weekend. On the side, a friend wrote up an Addon (called Bio) that creates a lua table with some basic info I can use to track gold, xp and time played. I wrote an external executable the parses the lua table into a comma-delimited file that I can use to import into Excel.

Oh, and Monday night, I decided to spend time on Team Heroic. #1.Semirhage Holy Paladin is now level 67, and #2.Healmon Shadow Priest is now level 69. They are doing Blades Edge Mountain quests. I got some initial data from Bio. I still have to analyze it for my use.

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