Thursday, February 28, 2008

Off Night & Vacation

I 2-box 4 daily Ogrila quests last night, and did some solo mining with 1.Lylefukinton around Blades Edge Mountains. I also started selling ores and primals to clear up alts.

The rest of the night was spent playing DotA 1.51, a Warcraft3 custom map.

I'll be going to Las Vegas this Thursday through Saturday. I will be taking my laptop along, but I will not have much time to play. I will just do some more alt-bank cleaning.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Played Log

A friend wrote me an WoW Addon that writes data into a lua file with basic info about my character, level, gold, xp, and server time.

Then I wrote a small executable that read the lua.txt into a comma-delimited text file which I import into Excel. I then added some columns and calculate the info I need.

Semirhage - Bloodelf Holy Paladin
Duration: 9 hours and 20 minutes
(rough estimate, since I added 5 minutes per sessions/game breaks)
Level 66 (28%) to Level 67 (31%) (82k xp / hour) +173 gold

Healmon - Troll Shadow Priest
Duration: 8 hours and 45 minutes (closer to actual time as continued data)
Level 68 (9%) to Level 69 (3%) (82.6k xp / hour) +149 gold

Session Details
Activity: Blades Edge Mountain Quest with 68 Shadow Priest and 70 Prot Paladin
Semirhage - 66 Holy Paladin
Mon 12.25.2008 12:30 @ 50 minutes
Level 66: 28.29 to 36.67% (74k xp/hour) +7.40 gold

Mon 12.25.2008 15:00 @ 1 hour 15 minutes
Level 66: 36.67 to 52.96% (97k xp/hour) +33.98 gold

Mon 12.25.2008 16:15 @ 40 minutes
Level 66: 52.96 to 60.98% (88k xp/hour) +11.90 gold

Mon 12.25.2008 17:15 @ 1 hour 30 minutes
Level 66: 60.98 to 79.25% (89k xp/hour) + 34.15

Mon 12.25.2008 19:45 @ 19 minutes
Level 66: 79.25 to 81.44% (50k xp/hour) +1.4 gold

Mon 12.25.2008 20:00 @ 2 hours
Level 66: 81.44 to Level 67: 0.44% (73k xp/hour) +22.90 gold

Semirhage - 67 Holy Paladin
Mon 12.25.2008 23:15 @ 55 minutes
Level 0.44% to 7.5% @ (58k xp/hour) +14.35 gold

Mon 12.25.2008 0:00 @ 80 minutes
Level 7.5% to 31.4% @ (135k xp/hour) +46.82 gold

Power Level @ Blackrock Depth

Over the weekend, I managed to level #1.Aszhat Shaman to 55, and #2.Joiya Mage to 54 (a few bubbles short of 55). I also spent some "break" from AoE grinding by leveling up Joiya's Tailoring to 300, and Enchanting near 275. I will need a few more materials to push to the 300.

I also started some initial BRD runs for the next batch: #1.Gemstar Mage 43, and #2.Azzhat Shaman to 43. I was helping with a 60 Frost Mage plus one other to get the group bonus.

That was the weekend. On the side, a friend wrote up an Addon (called Bio) that creates a lua table with some basic info I can use to track gold, xp and time played. I wrote an external executable the parses the lua table into a comma-delimited file that I can use to import into Excel.

Oh, and Monday night, I decided to spend time on Team Heroic. #1.Semirhage Holy Paladin is now level 67, and #2.Healmon Shadow Priest is now level 69. They are doing Blades Edge Mountain quests. I got some initial data from Bio. I still have to analyze it for my use.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Power Level @ Blackrock Depth

I am starting to get back in to the groove of doing BRD once again. I was definitely pulling more than I can handle without risking wipes when I was pulling with 2 level 40s in tow. So I decided to break down some pulls into 2, and also pull less mobs from the arena hallway. I also started to break down the cell area pulls into 2 so that there is less likely mob add from patrols.

I managed to get 1.Aszhat Shaman to 45, and 2.Joiya Mage to 45. I was also filling the other 2 slots with a 60 mage, and other level 40 players. Having the 60 Mage there speeds up kills. But I do not have a functioning add-on that displays exp per hour gain.

Tonight's plan is to level in BRD again, and plan to skill up Tailoring for Joiya to 275 Enchanting and maybe even up to 300 is I have 90 Rugged Leathers available. I also plan to set aside Disenchanting materials for my next batch of skill ups.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Power Level @ Blackrock Depth

I finished the run around shaman quests last Tuesday night which took longer than I expected even with a mage tagging along for portals.

I then spent more time cleaning up bank and mail on 4 characters that will be power leveled in Blackrock Depth (BRD): 1.Aszhat 40 Shaman & 2.Joiya 40 Mage; and 1.Gemstar 40 Mage & 2.Azzhat 40 Shaman. I also searched my various alts to upgrade some basic gear, some of which are level 5 boots with minor run speed enchants. Only Joiya was decently geared since I used this mage to power level in Shadowfang Keep at one point.

Finally, Wednesday night was more of a test run for Joiya and Aszhat. I managed to get them to level 43 with 1 trip in between to repair and sell. I wiped several times as I try to do some blizzard with the mage, and do some healing with the shaman. But then I was trying to 4-pull each instance reset.

Anyway, last night was just a first run of BRD with a Shaman + Mage setup and I was still tweaking my hot keys. I would need some addon for the shaman to give me some timer on the Totems.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

President's Day Weekend

I managed to level 1.Semihrage (Paladin) to 66, and 2.Healmon (Priest) to 68. Healmon is now a Master Transmutation. I 3-Box inside Shadow Labs and the healer type mob kept healing up and prolongs the fight. I need a mod that shows enemy cast bars, and a better silence cast sequence macro.

I spent a lot of time on 1.Tianak (Rogue) in BG to grind some honor. But I messed up big time when I bought Season 1 Gladiator Shiv with 9k honor, and Season 2 Merciless Gladiator Shiv with 900 or so Arena Points. Only after I enchanted both dagger with +12 Agility is when I realized they are both Off-Hand weapons instead of One-Hand. Needless to say, the season 1 Shiv was a complete waste. I had such high hopes in re-spec'ing to dual daggers and shadow step. Then drop Mace Smithing for Herbalism. Oh well, I'll see how it goes for the Merciless One-Hand dagger which is 2.2k Arena.

Ialso got 1.Aszhat (Shaman) and 2.Gemstar (Mage) to level 40 in SM. I finished the weekend doing a bunch of run around Shaman quests. Call of Fire for the Fire Totem. Call of Water for the Water Totem which is in progress. And Call of Air for the Air Totem which I will finish tonight.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Goal: Flying Epic, Primal Mights

I was to purchase a flying epic mount for 3.Sanctume (Prot Pally, Enchanter & Macesmith). I think my running gold total on all my 25 toons is around 2800 gold, which means I need another 2200 gold. When I got my first 5000 gold, I had to decide who will get the first epic flying mount.

I bought the first epic flying mount for 1.Lylefukinton (Warrior, Miner & Armorsmith) . I wonder if I should just spend the time mining and selling ores. But, I need ores still to skill up Blacksmithing. I have some banked, but I have not kept track of how much I have.

Daily Quest
So for now, I do at least 4 daily quest in Blades Edge Mountain with Sanctume and Lylefukinton. The 2 quest rewards about 45g each. The would be 90g per day for about 1 hour; 720g in a week.

Mining & Motes of Fire & Earth
Lyle can also do the flying Sketting bombing for another 12 gold if I remember doing it. Lyle also have Netherwing quests he can do. Most of the time, I fly Lyle in BEM to mine and kill some Fire Elementals for Fire Motes.

Honor Points, Primal Water, & Herbalist
Other than money goal, I also want to get 1.Tianak (Rogue, Engineer & Macesmith) grind 27k honor and buy 2 Season 1 Gladiator daggers. I plan to re-spec Tianak for Shadowstep; drop Macesmith; skill up Herbalism. Tianak becomes the Herb supplier for Healmon and possibly the Team Shaman for Alchemy skill ups. I also want to run Underbog and gather Sanguine Hibiscus to help raise Sporeggar faction on the Alchemist for the Transmute Earth to Water.

Motes of Mana
For now, I run Tianak for an hour at Wizard Row in Netherstorm and gather about 3x Primal Mana.

Motes of Life
I will just farm Motes of Life as needed in Zangarmarsh.

Motes of Shadow
I still have over 50 Primal Shadows from farming demons in Shadowmoon Valley when I was skilling up my Aldor faction. I can farm these again as I power-level 1.Semihrage and 2.Healmon.

Motes of Air
By the time Sanctume has an epic flyer, I will definitely add Primal Air in my routine when I start doing Netherwing daily quests.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bank & Mail Night

I spent most of the evening managing the banks and mail of 25 toons total.
I definitely need to create twink guilds for a guild bank soon.
I have determined the following in each bank:
1 1.Lylefukinton: Tank Sets, Outland Ores since he is a miner.
2 1.Tianak: +Hit PvE Set, TBC tradeable repeatable quest items.
3 1.Semihrage: Tank Set.
4 1.Gemstar: Old World Gems, current Cloth and Enchant skill up materials.
5 1.Aszhat: Leather Working skill up mats.

6 Tusok: Felcloth, Tailor Bolts, banked Blue and Purple items.
7 Leggolaz: Level 19-39 Leather Twink items.
8 Sanctùme (Alt+0151): Linen and Silk Cloth.
9 Ore: Old World Ores, Engineering materials, and recipes.
10 1.Beastress: Potions, Bijous and Coins.

11 2.Healmon: Holy Set, Primals for Transmutes.
12 2.Joiya: Eagle Set, current Cloth and Enchant skill up materials.
13 2.Azzhat: Leather Working skill up mats.
14 2.Temaile: Level 19-39 Cloth Twink items.
15 2.Cowbear: Druid Staff, Spell Books, Bear Leather.

16 2.Sanctitty: Level 19-39 Mail Twink items.
17 2.Totoy: Blacksmith Apprentice, Outland Ores, Primal Motes, and Outland Gems.
18 2.Sanctûme (Alt+0150): Silk Cloths mule, Shadow Wrath Set.
19 2.Cowhunt: Herb & Scroll mule.
20 2.Portal: Enchant material mule, Jewelcrafter recipe.

21 3.Sanctume: Holy Set.
22 3.Aszhat: Leather and Meat mule.
23 3.Alviarin: Cloth skill up and mule.
24 3.Sanctúme (Alt+0163): Stamina Set, Cloth mule.
25 3.Bakulao: Auction House mule (in progress)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Variety Night

It was Monday night and I have not done my welfare arenas point for the week!

So I loaded my 2-box team and got down to like 1250 rating, that's a 0-20 losing streak which I care little about it. The team consists of 3.Sanctume Prot Pally, and 1.Lylefukinton Warrior, and 1.Tianak Rogue.

After my 10 arena games, I did 1 Daily Battlegroung in Warsogn Gulch on Tianak, while Sanctume showed a guildie how to power level in Shadowfang Keep. Tianak won his BG. I loaded Lylefukinton for his Daily BG but the team sucked, so that's all the time I'll invest on it.

I loaded Tianak in my main laptop and had to tweak his UI some. I decided to have Tianak farm me some Primal Mana in Netherstorm Wizard Row. I intended to get 1 or 2 Primal Mana, but I end up with 32 Motes of Mana (or 3.2 Primal Mana). Tianak's pack was full, so I hearthed back.

Meanwhile, I flew Sanctume to Blade's Edge Mountin. I loaded in Lylefukinton and 2-box the Ogrila Daily Quests: 2x Single Simon, Bombing Run, Banish 15 Demons, and Wrangle 5x Nether Rays. I turned in for the gold and hearthed back Sanctume.

I then finished the night with Lylefukinton doing some Mining run in BEM, and also kill a few Fire Elementals for some Motes of Fire. I got about 1 Primal Fire and hearthed back. I queued up for another WSG and flew to Skettis to do the Egg Bombing Daily Quest. I was down to 5 eggs when the WSG queue popped. I wanted to complete the quest before entering WSG, but the queue timer expired on me. I decided to fly to Shadowmoon to check more mining nodes. When my hearthstone cooldown was up, I hearthed back and called it a night.

Monday, February 11, 2008

5-box Power Level @ Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral

Power Level @ SM: Cathedral Results:
Format: Account.Name Level (Starting Level)
1.Aszhat 40 (20)
1.Gemstar 31 (23)
2.Temaile 29 (22)
2.Cowbear 30 (22)
2.Azzhat 31 (20)
2.Sanctitty 24 (20)

I did great leveling progress over the weekend. My first goal was to get 1.Aszhat Shaman from 20 to 40. During Aszhat's progress, I managed to get 2.Temaile Mage 22 to 29, 2.Azzhat Shaman 20 to 23, 2.Cowbear Druid 22 to 30, and Sanctitty Paladin 20 to 24.

My next goal was to get both Gemstar and Azzhat to 40. They progress well from 23 to 31.

I also helped a 5 other guldies: a Hunter from 30 to 40, a Rogue 26 to 40, another Hunter 23 to 38, and a few others to get 5-man group bonus.

Friday, February 8, 2008

5-Box Power Level @ Scarlet Monatery: Cathedral

I spent clearing SM: Cathedral last night and power level my alts, with 2 others.
I got: 2.Temaile 22-29 Mage, 1.Aszhat 20-25 Shaman, and 2.Azzhat is 20-22 Shaman.
The two other: Hunter went 29-34, and Rogue 26-30.

I plan to get: 2.Azzhat Shaman from 22 to 23, then sub in 2.Cowbear Druid from 22 to ?? with 1.Aszhat Shaman from 25 going 40

After that, run 2.Azzhat Shaman from 23 to 40 with 1.Gemstar Mage 23 to 40.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

5-Box Boosting in Scarlet Monastery

I changed my display on the 2 other computer into portrait @ 1050 x 1680. I then had to tweak my latest UI to work in this non-wide mode. I re-scaled and got things working 3 hours later.

I did managed to stay up late to do 2 clearings of Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral.

I boosted with Sanctume, 70 Prot Paladin with Temaile 22-24 Mage, Aszhat 20-21 Shaman, and 2 other characters to officially declare that I 5-boxed last night.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My New UI for WoW

I played all night with a new UI compilation I got from Raynes.

I am still tweaking it to my needs, and I am adding some more add-ons as I go.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Outlands Gear @ Level 60

I had only about an hour last night and I decided to do some Outlands quest for the Mage 60 that I use to power level the lowbies. I researched quest and there are almost a complete set of upgrades from an Old World Mage 60 in Outlands waiting to be had.

The format of the list indicates quest names, level, (and minimum level to attain).
I also listed the current gear of the Mage 60 and which items I will be getting from quest rewards. These items clearly great upgrades.

Mage 60 Gear:

Helm: Dreadmist Mask 15sta, 23int, 12 spi (+8 sta) >>
1. Through the Dark Portal
2. Arrival in Outland
3. Journey to Thrallmar
4. Report to Nazgrel
5. Eradicate the Burning Legion
6. Felspark Ravine 61 (58)
(Done) Reward: The Staff of Twin Worlds: 21 sta, 19 int, 13 spi, 35 SDH
7. Forward Base: Reaver's Fall
8. Disrupt Their Reinforcements
9. Mission: Gateways Murketh and Shaadraz
10. Mission: The Abyssal Shelf
(Done) Reward: Shadowbrim Travel Hat: 19 sta, 19 int, 12 spi, 23 SDH

Wand: Eagle Wand: 8 int, 12 sta >>
Quest: Boneshewer Blood 60 (58)
(Done) Reward: Wand, Desolation Rod: 6 sta, 6 int, 7 SDH

Legs: Spiritshroud Leg: 13 sta, 16 int, 16 spi (100hp) 19 sdh >>
Quest: I Work For The Horde chains to
Quest: Burn It Up... For the Horde! 61 (58)
(Done) Reward: Legs, Wander Stitched Trousers: 19 sta, 19 int, 12 spi, 23 SDH

Neck: Mystaria 9 sta, 9 int, 8 spi, spell hit 8

Shoulder: Warlord Silk Amice 21 sta, 15 int, 5 spi, 25 sdh, 10 spell pen

Back: Heliotrope Cloak 10 int, 14 spell crit (120 armor) >>
Quest: Avruu's Orb 62 (60)
Reward: Windtalker's Cloak: 12 int, 12 sta, 8 spi, 15 SDH

Chest: Mooncloth Robe 12 sta, 25 int, 12 spi (150 hp) >>
Quest: Grillok Darkeye 62 (58)
Reward: (1st) Goldweave Tunic: 13 sta, 15 int, 8 spi, 14 Spell Crit, 42 SDH

Wrist: Eagle: 13 int, 21 sta (12 int)

Weapon: Argent Crusader Staff 6 sta, 30 int, 10 spi (3 int) >>
Quest: From The Abyss 63 (58)
Reward: (1st) Rod of the Void Caller: 48 Sta, 13 Int, 18 Spell Crit, 30 SDH

Hand: Eagle Gloves: 13 int, 12 sta (10 spell crit) >>
Quest: Marking the Path 62 (60)
1. Falcon Watch
2. The Great Fissure
3. Marking the Path
Reward: Flamehandler's Gloves: 11 int, 10 api, 16 spell hit, 19 SDH

Waist: Magister Belt: 6 sta, 21 int, 6 spi

Feet: Eagle Boots 19 int, 30 sta >>
Quest: Nothin' Says Lovin' Like a Big Stinger 62 (60)
(1st) Marshfang Boots: 24 sta, 16 int, 19 SDH

Ring: Blood of the Martyr Ring 15 sta, 10 int >>
Quest: Arelion's Mistress 62 (60) chain quest
Carinda's Wedding Band: 18 sta, 12 int, 14 SDH

Ring: Royal Seal of Alexis 10 sta, 10 int, 8 spi

Trinket: Eye of Beast Trinket: spell crit 28 >>
Quest:Cruel's Intentions 63 (58)
Reward: Trinket, Vengeance of the Illidari: 26 Spell Crit, Use: +120 SDH

Trinket: Orb of Deception (no stats). >>
Quest:A Spirit Ally? 64 (60)
Ancient Crystal Talisman: 26 SDH. Use +104 SDH

Monday, February 4, 2008

Levelling Plans

List of characters: (Number denotes account)
1.Semihrage 64-70
1.Gemstar 23 - 40
1.Aszhat 20 - 40
2.Healmon 66-70
2.Joiya 40
2.Cowbear 22 - 40
2.Temaile 22 - 29
2.Azzhat 20 - 40
2.Sanctitty 20 - 40
3.Sanctume 70
3.Azshat 20 - 40
3.Alviarin 20 - 40

Plan.730 SM: 3.Sanctume + 1.Gemstar 20-40 + 2.Cowbear 20-40
Plan.750 BRD: 3.Sanctume + 1.Gemstar 40-58 + 2.Cowbear 40-58 + Mage 60
Plan.760 Scholomance: 3.Sanctume + 1.Gemstar 55-60 + 2.Cowbear 55-60 + Mage 60
Plan.825 SM: 3.Sanctume + 1.Aszhat 20-40 + 2.Temaile 22-29
Plan.830 SM: 3.Sanctume + 1.Aszhat 20-40 + 2.Azzhat 20-??
Plan.850 BRD: 3.Sanctume + 2.Joiya 40-58 + 1.Aszhat 40-58 + Mage 60
Plan.860 Scholomance: 3.Sanctume + 2.Joiya 55-60 + 1.Aszhat 55-60 + Mage 60
Plan 950 SM: Mage 60 + 1.Gemstar 40 + 3.Azshat 20 + 2.Azzhat 20
Plan 960 SM: Mage 60 + 1.Gemstar 40 + 3.Alviarin 20 + 2.Sanctitty 20
Plan 970 SM: Mage 60 + 2.Joiya 40 + 3.Azshat 20 + 1.Gemstar 20-40
Plan 980 SM: Mage 60 + 2.Joiya 40 + 3.Alviarin 20 + 1.Aszhat 20 - 40
Plan.1000 Outlands: 3.Sanctume + 2.Healmon 66-70 + 1.Semihrage 64-70

Shadow Fang Keep - levelling

I spent most of the weekend power leveling a bunch of level 14 to level 20 in Shadow fang keep.

I end up with: (the number denotes which account)
1.Gemstar 23 Undead Mage
1.Aszhat 20 Tauren Shaman
2.Cowbear 22 Tauren Druid
2.Azzhat 20 Tauren Shaman
2.Sanctitty 20 Bloodelf Paladin
3.Azshat 20 Tauren Shaman
3.Alviarin 20 Bloodelf Mage

My main tank power leveler is 3.Sanctume 70 Protection Paladin, but I had access to a 60 Undead Mage. I spent time playing this 60 Mage and I end up re-spec to Frost to get the Water Pet, and the rest into Arcane.

At level 60, the Frost Mage did ok in Shadow Fang Keep. But it not do well in SM Graveyard, Library, nor Cathedral. I might do some quest in Outlands to get the initial green quests for upgrades.

The next plan is to level a bunch in SM with Sanctume. I think I will get Gemstar, Cowbear,
Aszhat, and Azzhat all to 40.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Team Heroic

I progressed nicely last night with Team Heroic with Semirhage Level 64, and Healmon level 66.

I completed all the quests in Terokkar Forest; and I think Nagrand or Blade's Edge is the next zone for quests.

I am considering doing some instance grinding and testing of my 3-Box in Shadow Labs, but I need Semirhage to be level 65 to enter the zone.

The goal in Shadow Labs it exp, Lower City faction for the Epic Mace.