Monday, September 29, 2008

WAR - Ironbreaker

Drakwald scenario queues sucked ass. I made Rank 16 Ironbreaker, and 15 Rune Priest over the weekend.

I went back to Skull Throne Sunday afternoon when queue was only a little. I only played scenario T2 Mourkain Mountain from Rank 18 to 20 on the Ironbreaker only. I bought my mount rolf-copter, then logged.

The guild is checking out Vortex, I got upto Rank 7 Ironbreaker mostly from scenario T1, and was doing Dwarf Ch 1 and Ch 2 while waiting in queue. I was also checking out Alchemy.

Anyway, I decided to list Renown & Influence gear using my Tanking formula:

Renown 2 2 Gloves 0.50
Renown 2 2 Body 6.80
Renown 2 2 Boots 4.80
Renown 4 6 Boots 8.40
Renown 4 7 Gloves 1.00
Renown 5 8 Shield 15.60
Renown 5 8 1H Axe 3.75
Renown 5 8 2H Axe 9.60
Renown 6 9 Body 16.80

Source CH INF/RR Rank Points
Renown 7 11 Boots 15.60
Renown 8 12 Gloves 1.50
Renown 9 13 Shoulder 21.20
Renown 9 14 1H Axe 2.25
Renown 9 14 2H Axe 0.00
Renown 9 14 Shield 16.80
Renown 9 14 Body 13.20

Source CH INF/RR Rank Points
Renown 11 16 Boots 22.80
Renown 11 17 Gloves 2.00
Renown 12 18 Shoulder 18.00
Renown 13 19 1H Axe 3.00
Renown 13 19 2H Axe 0.00
Renown 13 19 Shield 20.40
Renown 13 19 Helm 8.40
Renown 14 20 Body 20.40

Rank 10
Source CH INF/RR Rank TANK
Renown 5 8 1H Axe 15.60
Renown 5 8 2H Axe 1.50
Dwarf 5 2 10 Gloves 23.70
Dwarf 5 2 10 Boots 10.20
Dwarf 5 3 10 2H Axe 27.85
Dwarf 5 3 10 Body 5.25
Empire 5 2 10 Body 21.80
Empire 5 2 10 Boots 4.25
Empire 5 3 10 2H Axe 27.60
Empire 5 3 10 Gloves 20.10
Highelf 5 2 10 Shield 9.60
Highelf 5 2 10 Boots 2.25
Highelf 5 3 10 Body 22.85
Highelf 5 3 10 Gloves 25.35

Analysis: R1 to R10
Renown 5 8 Shield
Dwarf 5 2 10 Gloves
Dwarf 5 3 10 2H Axe
Empire 5 2 10 Body

Rank 11 to 12
Source CH INF/RR Rank TANK
Renown 7 11 Boots 15.60
Renown 8 12 Gloves 1.50
Dwarf 6 2 12 Body 23.70
Dwarf 6 2 12 Gloves 10.20
Dwarf 6 3 12 Shield 27.85
Dwarf 6 3 12 1H Axe 5.25
Empire 6 2 12 Shoulder 21.80
Empire 6 2 12 Gloves 4.25
Empire 6 3 12 2H Axe 27.60
Empire 6 3 12 Boots 20.10
Highelf 6 2 12 Belt 9.60
Highelf 6 2 12 Gloves 2.25
Highelf 6 3 12 Boots 22.85
Highelf 6 3 12 Shoulder 25.35

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