Undead Starting Area Kill Quests (Deathknell & Brill)
(2 / 1) The Mindless Ones
Start: Shadow Priest Sarvis (Deathknell)
End: Shadow Priest Sarvis (Deathknell)
- Kill Mindless Zombie slain (8)
- Kill Wretched Zombie slain (8)
(3 / 1) The Mindless Ones
Start: Shadow Priest Sarvis (Deathknell)
End: Shadow Priest Sarvis (Deathknell)
- Kill Rattling the Rattlecages (12)
(4 / 2) Night Web's Hollow (chain 1 of 4)
Start: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
End: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
- Kill Young Night Web Spider slain (10)
- Kill Night Web Spider slain (8)
Leads to: The Scarlet Crusade
Exp: 40
(4 / 3) The Scarlet Crusade (chain 2 of 4)
Start: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
End: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
- Collect Scarlet Armband (12)
Exp: 360
Leads to: The Red Messenger
(5 / 3) Marla's Last Wish
Start: Novice Elreth
End: Novice Elreth
- Kill Samuel Fipps (loot Remains) @ 36.62
- Click on Marla's Grave @ 31.65, then return to Novice Elreth.
Exp: 450
(5 / 4) The Red Messenger (chain 3 of 4)
Start: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
End: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
- Kill Meven Korgal (loot quest item) @ 36.68
Exp: 675
Leads to: Vital Intelligence
(5 / 4) The Red Messenger (chain 4 of 4)
Start: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
End: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
- Deliver the Scarlet Crusade Documents to Executor Zygand in Brill @ 60.51
Exp: 340
Leads to: Vital Intelligence
#Action_Plan: Travel To Brill
(5 / 1) A Rogue's Deal
Start: Calvin Montague (Deathknell @ 38.57)
End: Innkeeper Renee (Brill @ 62.52)
- Deliver the Nondescript Letter to Innkeeper Renee in Tirisfal Glades. (Brill @ 62.52)
Exp: 110
SKIP (7 / 4) Fields of Grief
#Action_Plan: BRILL
SKIP (6 / 4) A Putrid Task
(8 / 5) At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 1 of 4)
Start: Executor Zygand (Brill)
End: Executor Zygand
- Kill Scarlet Warrior slain (10) @ 37.48
Exp: 700
Leads to: At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 2 of 4)
(7/ 5) Proof of Demise (Collection)
Start: Deathguard Burgess
End: Deathguard Burgess
- Collect / Bring 10 Scarlet Insignia Rings to Deathguard Burgess in Brill.
Exp: 625
(9 / 5) At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 2 of 4)
Start: Executor Zygand (Brill)
End: Executor Zygand
- Kill Captain Perrine slain @ 51.67
- Kill Scarlet Zealot slain (3)
- Kill Scarlet Missionary slain (3)
Exp: 775
Leads to: At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 3 of 4)
(10 / 7) At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 3 of 4)
Start: Executor Zygand (Brill)
End: Executor Zygand
- Kill Captain Vachon slain @ 78,56
- Kill Scarlet Friar slain (5)
Exp: 850
Leads to: At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 4 of 4)
(12 / 8) At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 4 of 4)
Start: Executor Zygand (Brill)
End: Executor Zygand
- Kill Captain Melrache (L12) slain @ 79.26
- Kill Scarlet Bodyguard (L8) slain (2)
Exp: 900
(7/ 5) Proof of Demise (Collection)
Start: Deathguard Burgess
End: Deathguard Burgess
- Collect / Bring 10 Scarlet Insignia Rings to Deathguard Burgess in Brill.
Exp: 625
#Action_Plan Agamand Mills
(10 / 7) The Haunted Mills
Start: Coleman Farthing (Brill inn)
End: Coleman Farthing
- Kill Devlin's Remains @ 47.40
Exp: 420
(11 / 7) Deaths in the Family
Start: Coleman Farthing (Brill inn)
End: Coleman Farthing
- Kill L10 Nissa's Remains (inside first house @ 49.35)
- Kill L10 Gregor's Remains (windmill area @ 47.30)
- Kill L10 Thurman's Remains (windmill area @ 42.33)
Exp: 875
Leads to: Speak with Sevren
(10 / 7) Speak with Sevren (chain 1 of 2)
Start: Coleman Farthing (Brill inn)
End: Magistrate Sevren (Brill townhall)
- Speak to Magistrate Sevren @ 61.51
Exp: 85
Leads to: The Family Crypt (chain 2 of 2)
(13 / 8) The Family Crypt (chain 1 of 2)
Start: Magistrate Sevren (Brill townhall)
End: Magistrate Sevren (Brill townhall)
- Kill Wailing Ancestor slain (8)
- Kill Rotting Ancestor slain (8)
- Kill L13 Dargol's Skull (Lowest level of Crypt @ 51.27)
Exp: 900
Total Exp for the quests is about 8700.
Some more notes about XP Level Table for WoW:
A Level 1 needs 400 xp to ding to level 2.
A Level 1 gets 50 xp for killing a Level 1 mob, so he needs to kill 8 mobs to ding to level 2.
Level XP-to-level XP-per-mob #-of-Mobs-to-kill
1 400 50 8
2 900 1300 55 16
3 1400 2300 60 23
4 2100 3500 65 32
5 2800 4900 70 40
6 3600 6400 75 48
7 4500 8100 80 56
8 5400 9900 85 64
9 6500 11900 90 72
10 7600 14100 95 80
11 8700 16300 100 87
12 9800 18500 105 93
13 11000 20800 110 100
A total of 64700 xp to level 14.

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