I ran Sanctume, 70 Prot Paladin to do Heroic Steam Vaults last night with guild mates.
After that, I decided to run some more quest out in Terokkar Forest. I managed to get Semirhage to 64 Paladin, and Healmon is less than a bubble to become a 66 Priest.
I got stuck doing a stupid quest in the spider area in Terokkar Forest. My lowbies needed to free 6 NPCs from a spider cocoon. When I attack the cocoon, there's a random chance an NPC will emerge to get quest point, or a mob that I just kill. And in this area, there are also spiders that are agro.
Spider killing is not bad since one quest requires killing 20 of them. The plus side is these spiders drop Netherweb Silks for 18 slot bags, and Spider Glands used for repeatable quest.
I think it was over 1 hour when I realize I needed to drop Sanctume off the group, and sure enough, whatever Semihrage & Healmon break was getting the quest done. After turning in the quests, I hearth stoned for the night.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Power Level @ Shadow Fang Keep
I brought Semihrage, 63 Holy Paladin in Shadow Fang Keep last night to test out a power level session with Sanctitty, 14 Paladin and Alviarin, 14 Mage.
I only had time to pull twice. The first pull was only about 10 level 14-18 mobs. I run in and gather everything, jump down, open the prison cell, talk to an npc to open the door, and I ran back near the entrance and commence my AoE consecration. My lowbies are parked at the entrance.
After a minute of looting, I move the group just behind the door and park my lowbies there.
The first mass pull was to run from the side of the building and grab every mob by just running through them, and then jumping off the dinning room and into the kitchen. Finally round up the rest of the mobs outside the stables and onto the courtyard area visible from the zone entrance.
With no shield block, and slow melee, consecration does the most damage. But my health was falling fast, so I Divine Shielded and 2 heals later, I was full health. This was enough to spam consecration and kill the rest.
After looting, I don't think I can do the next pull since the mobs there does Silence, and perhaps shield bash. I think I need to spec Protection in order to Shadow Fang effectively with a 63 Paladin. But before that, I want to get a better Defense & Spell Damage gear via Outlands and Questing.
I only had time to pull twice. The first pull was only about 10 level 14-18 mobs. I run in and gather everything, jump down, open the prison cell, talk to an npc to open the door, and I ran back near the entrance and commence my AoE consecration. My lowbies are parked at the entrance.
After a minute of looting, I move the group just behind the door and park my lowbies there.
The first mass pull was to run from the side of the building and grab every mob by just running through them, and then jumping off the dinning room and into the kitchen. Finally round up the rest of the mobs outside the stables and onto the courtyard area visible from the zone entrance.
With no shield block, and slow melee, consecration does the most damage. But my health was falling fast, so I Divine Shielded and 2 heals later, I was full health. This was enough to spam consecration and kill the rest.
After looting, I don't think I can do the next pull since the mobs there does Silence, and perhaps shield bash. I think I need to spec Protection in order to Shadow Fang effectively with a 63 Paladin. But before that, I want to get a better Defense & Spell Damage gear via Outlands and Questing.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Power Level @ Rage Fire Chasm
I wanted to see how a level 63 Holy Paladin do in power levelling in instances, so I head out to do Rage Fire Chasm with Sanctitty, 9 Paladin; and Alviarin, 9 Mage.
The are about 7 pulls I do because I have lowbies following me to be in exp range, and the lowbies can die easily if I don't get all the agro.
One personal problem I end up doing it taking time to loot these low level mobs. The green items help with starting out Enchant skill ups. Linen Cloths are nice also for First Aid. I should really just set some money and buy low level materials for Enchanting instead.
So, a full clear of RFC with looting takes about 20 minutes. I should really target that down to 12 minutes.
After my lowbie's packs are full of greens, I stopped. They were at level 12 and after quest turn-ins, they were level 13. I think few more level quest back in Brill will get them to 14. Then off to Shadow Fang Keep.
Semihrage did well in SFK, but there are Shield Slamming mobs that I don't like. My next test would be doing SFK. Some pulls there might be tougher because mobs can silence.
The are about 7 pulls I do because I have lowbies following me to be in exp range, and the lowbies can die easily if I don't get all the agro.
One personal problem I end up doing it taking time to loot these low level mobs. The green items help with starting out Enchant skill ups. Linen Cloths are nice also for First Aid. I should really just set some money and buy low level materials for Enchanting instead.
So, a full clear of RFC with looting takes about 20 minutes. I should really target that down to 12 minutes.
After my lowbie's packs are full of greens, I stopped. They were at level 12 and after quest turn-ins, they were level 13. I think few more level quest back in Brill will get them to 14. Then off to Shadow Fang Keep.
Semihrage did well in SFK, but there are Shield Slamming mobs that I don't like. My next test would be doing SFK. Some pulls there might be tougher because mobs can silence.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Power Level @ Shadowfang Keep
I was not in the mood to quest Team Heroic last night, so while I was chatting in the guild vent, a few guys were power leveling in Scarlet Monastery Cathedral; they were 24 w/ a 70 Holy Paladin.
I looked into my list of alts, and I only have 1 Mage, Temaile at level 22 that can benefit in there.
I do have a 29 Warlock, but I might twink him for 29 BG.
Instead, I see Gemstar, 15 Mage; and Cowbear, 14 Druid prime for some power level love.
I moved Sanctume, 70 Prot Paladin out of Stonebreaker Hold to Undercity.
I used Joiya, 40 mage to port Cowbear to Undercity.
They all joined in Undercity with Gemstar.
I do not have a flight out of Undercity yet, so I ran to to Sepucher, and bind both lowbies.
With empty bags, I filled both Gemstar and Cowbear's bags with greens and blues for future disenthancts. Sanctume also did one run back to Sepulcher to sell, but out of my 9 gold repair, I got 1 gold junk sell! So, there's no need to run to sell doing SFK. I did got some wool, and mailed more greens back to Cowbear.
I did a few more clears with less looting until Gemstar hit 20, and Cowbear is 19.
I ran out of steam and was sleepy.
So, my tentative plan is to level:
Cowbear from 19 to 20 in SFK; and then to SM Cathedral.
Gemstar to level along and into SM Cathedral.
I looked into my list of alts, and I only have 1 Mage, Temaile at level 22 that can benefit in there.
I do have a 29 Warlock, but I might twink him for 29 BG.
Instead, I see Gemstar, 15 Mage; and Cowbear, 14 Druid prime for some power level love.
I moved Sanctume, 70 Prot Paladin out of Stonebreaker Hold to Undercity.
I used Joiya, 40 mage to port Cowbear to Undercity.
They all joined in Undercity with Gemstar.
I do not have a flight out of Undercity yet, so I ran to to Sepucher, and bind both lowbies.
With empty bags, I filled both Gemstar and Cowbear's bags with greens and blues for future disenthancts. Sanctume also did one run back to Sepulcher to sell, but out of my 9 gold repair, I got 1 gold junk sell! So, there's no need to run to sell doing SFK. I did got some wool, and mailed more greens back to Cowbear.
I did a few more clears with less looting until Gemstar hit 20, and Cowbear is 19.
I ran out of steam and was sleepy.
So, my tentative plan is to level:
Cowbear from 19 to 20 in SFK; and then to SM Cathedral.
Gemstar to level along and into SM Cathedral.
Monday, January 28, 2008
3-box Team Heroic (progress)
Team Heroic:
Sanctume, 70 Protection Paladin, Bloodelf
Semihrage 63 Holy Paladin, Bloodelf
Healmon 65 Shadow Priest, Troll
So over the weekend, I started leveling Team Heroic.
Semihrage was 61 so I all the Zangarmarsh quests, except the instance quests.
At level 62, I did grind a few of the Sporeggar quest so Semihrage now has the Petrified Lichen Shield. I got Healmon the 30 stam + threat reduction cloak.
Then I started following my leveling notes, doing north Terokkar Forest. I logged out last night with quest for the Bone Waste area in Terokkar Forest.
Sanctume, 70 Protection Paladin, Bloodelf
Semihrage 63 Holy Paladin, Bloodelf
Healmon 65 Shadow Priest, Troll
So over the weekend, I started leveling Team Heroic.
Semihrage was 61 so I all the Zangarmarsh quests, except the instance quests.
At level 62, I did grind a few of the Sporeggar quest so Semihrage now has the Petrified Lichen Shield. I got Healmon the 30 stam + threat reduction cloak.
Then I started following my leveling notes, doing north Terokkar Forest. I logged out last night with quest for the Bone Waste area in Terokkar Forest.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Healmon Macro
Just starting this macro set up for Healmon.
I've spent some time reading up in shadowpriest.com.
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\"Your Account Name"\macro-cache.txt
MACRO 1 "S Buff" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [nostance] Shadowform
/castsequence [target=player,stance:1] Inner Fire, Shadowguard
MACRO 1 "G Buff" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence Prayer of Fortitude, Prayer of Shadow Protection
MACRO 1 "S HL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Player] Holy Light; [modifier:alt,target=Player] Flash of Light
MACRO 1 "Focus" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/focus Sanctume
/stopmacro [target=focus, exists, nodead]
/focus Healmon
/stopmacro [target=focus, exists, nodead]
/focus Semihrage
Also have Inner Focus / Trinket macros setup. You can chain them with a spellcasting ability and use both in 1 button press. Place Inner Focus with DP/SW:P (best D/M) or MB (best DPS), and your trinket with the spells you like. I prefer to have my trinket with VT for a trinketed VT+SP combo. The icon buff is up long enough to get 2 trinketed VTs.
/use 13/14/Icon of the Silver Crescent
/cast Inner Focus
1.) VE
2.) VT
3.) SW:P
4.) SW:D
5.) MB
6.) MF
My personal view on Shadowpriest DPS priority is that it breaks down to 4 “solutions”
Everyday DPS: VE > VT > SW:P > SW:D > MB > MF
Max DPS: MB > SW:D > VT > SW:P > VE (Optional) > MF
AoE Damage Encounter: VE > VT > SW:P > MB > MF
Max DPM: VE > VT > SW:P > MF
MACRO 1 "O Intro" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence Hex of Weakness, Shadow Word: Pain, Shoot
MACRO 1 "O 3MF" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence Mind Flay, Mind Flay, Mind Flay, Shoot
MACRO 1 "O 5Day" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence Vampiric Embrace, Vampiric Touch, Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Blast, Mind Flay
MACRO 1 "O 5DPS" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence MB, Vampiric Touch, Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Embrace, Mind Flay
MACRO 1 "O 5AoE" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence Vampiric Embrace, Vampiric Touch, Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Blast, Mind Flay
MACRO 1 "O 5DPM" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence Vampiric Embrace, Vampiric Touch, Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Flay, Mind Flay
I've spent some time reading up in shadowpriest.com.
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\"Your Account Name"\macro-cache.txt
MACRO 1 "S Buff" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [nostance] Shadowform
/castsequence [target=player,stance:1] Inner Fire, Shadowguard
MACRO 1 "G Buff" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence Prayer of Fortitude, Prayer of Shadow Protection
MACRO 1 "S HL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Player] Holy Light; [modifier:alt,target=Player] Flash of Light
MACRO 1 "Focus" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/focus Sanctume
/stopmacro [target=focus, exists, nodead]
/focus Healmon
/stopmacro [target=focus, exists, nodead]
/focus Semihrage
Also have Inner Focus / Trinket macros setup. You can chain them with a spellcasting ability and use both in 1 button press. Place Inner Focus with DP/SW:P (best D/M) or MB (best DPS), and your trinket with the spells you like. I prefer to have my trinket with VT for a trinketed VT+SP combo. The icon buff is up long enough to get 2 trinketed VTs.
/use 13/14/Icon of the Silver Crescent
/cast Inner Focus
1.) VE
2.) VT
3.) SW:P
4.) SW:D
5.) MB
6.) MF
My personal view on Shadowpriest DPS priority is that it breaks down to 4 “solutions”
Everyday DPS: VE > VT > SW:P > SW:D > MB > MF
Max DPS: MB > SW:D > VT > SW:P > VE (Optional) > MF
AoE Damage Encounter: VE > VT > SW:P > MB > MF
Max DPM: VE > VT > SW:P > MF
MACRO 1 "O Intro" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence Hex of Weakness, Shadow Word: Pain, Shoot
MACRO 1 "O 3MF" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence Mind Flay, Mind Flay, Mind Flay, Shoot
MACRO 1 "O 5Day" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence Vampiric Embrace, Vampiric Touch, Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Blast, Mind Flay
MACRO 1 "O 5DPS" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence MB, Vampiric Touch, Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Embrace, Mind Flay
MACRO 1 "O 5AoE" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence Vampiric Embrace, Vampiric Touch, Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Blast, Mind Flay
MACRO 1 "O 5DPM" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/castsequence Vampiric Embrace, Vampiric Touch, Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Flay, Mind Flay
Semihrage Local Macro
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\"Your Account Name"\macro-cache.txt
MACRO 1 "S HL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Player] Holy Light; [modifier:alt,target=Player] Flash of Light
MACRO 1 "1 HL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Party1] Holy Light; [modifier:alt,target=Party1] Flash of Light
MACRO 1 "2 HL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Party2] Holy Light; [modifier:alt,target=Party2] Flash of Light
MACRO 1 "Bubble" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast Divine Shield;
/use [target=player] Heavy Netherweave Bandage
Count: 4 (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "SoR" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
castsequence reset=30 Seal of Righteousness, Judgement
MACRO 1 "SoW" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
castsequence reset=30 Seal of Wisdom, Judgement
MACRO 1 "SoL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
castsequence reset=30 Seal of Light, Judgement
MACRO 1 "SotC" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
castsequence reset=30,target/combat Seal of the Crusader, Judgement
Count: 8 (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "1 DHL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [combat] Divine Favor
/cast [help] Holy Light; [target=Party1] Holy Light
Count: 9 - Combat 100% Crit Heal to current target, or Main (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "2 DHS" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [combat] Divine Favor
/cast [help] Holy Shock; [target=Party2] Holy Shock
Count: 10 - Combat 100% Crit Holy Shock to current target, or Party2 DPS (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "O DHS" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [combat] Divine Favor
/cast [target=Party1Target, harm] Holy Shock
Count: 11 - Offensive Holy Shock to Party1's Target (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "O HoJ" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Party1Target] Hammer of Justice
MACRO 1 "O HoW" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Party1Target] Hammer of Wrath
MACRO 1 "O Exo" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Party1Target] Exorcism
Count: 14 - Combat Offensive on Party1's Target (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "2 BoP" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [combat,target=Party2] Blessing of Protection
MACRO 1 "T FL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [modifier:alt, target=targettarget, help] Holy Light; [target=targettarget, help] Flash of Light
Count: 16 - FL or HL target's target (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "Taunt" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [help] Righteous Defense; [target=targettarget] Righteous Defense
MACRO 1 "Focus" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/focus Sanctume
/stopmacro [target=focus, exists, nodead]
/focus Healmon
/stopmacro [target=focus, exists, nodead]
/focus Semihrage
MACRO 1 "S HL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Player] Holy Light; [modifier:alt,target=Player] Flash of Light
MACRO 1 "1 HL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Party1] Holy Light; [modifier:alt,target=Party1] Flash of Light
MACRO 1 "2 HL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Party2] Holy Light; [modifier:alt,target=Party2] Flash of Light
MACRO 1 "Bubble" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast Divine Shield;
/use [target=player] Heavy Netherweave Bandage
Count: 4 (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "SoR" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
castsequence reset=30 Seal of Righteousness, Judgement
MACRO 1 "SoW" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
castsequence reset=30 Seal of Wisdom, Judgement
MACRO 1 "SoL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
castsequence reset=30 Seal of Light, Judgement
MACRO 1 "SotC" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
castsequence reset=30,target/combat Seal of the Crusader, Judgement
Count: 8 (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "1 DHL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [combat] Divine Favor
/cast [help] Holy Light; [target=Party1] Holy Light
Count: 9 - Combat 100% Crit Heal to current target, or Main (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "2 DHS" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [combat] Divine Favor
/cast [help] Holy Shock; [target=Party2] Holy Shock
Count: 10 - Combat 100% Crit Holy Shock to current target, or Party2 DPS (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "O DHS" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [combat] Divine Favor
/cast [target=Party1Target, harm] Holy Shock
Count: 11 - Offensive Holy Shock to Party1's Target (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "O HoJ" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Party1Target] Hammer of Justice
MACRO 1 "O HoW" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Party1Target] Hammer of Wrath
MACRO 1 "O Exo" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [target=Party1Target] Exorcism
Count: 14 - Combat Offensive on Party1's Target (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "2 BoP" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [combat,target=Party2] Blessing of Protection
MACRO 1 "T FL" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [modifier:alt, target=targettarget, help] Holy Light; [target=targettarget, help] Flash of Light
Count: 16 - FL or HL target's target (remove this line)
MACRO 1 "Taunt" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/cast [help] Righteous Defense; [target=targettarget] Righteous Defense
MACRO 1 "Focus" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
/focus Sanctume
/stopmacro [target=focus, exists, nodead]
/focus Healmon
/stopmacro [target=focus, exists, nodead]
/focus Semihrage
3-box Team Heroic (in progress)
I am naming my primary 3-box team, Team Heroic:
Sanctume, 70 Protection Paladin, Bloodelf
Semihrage 61 Holy Paladin, Bloodelf
Healmon 64 Shadow Priest, Troll
I bought my 3rd Keyclone licenses last night, but there was a delay in activation so my 3rd machine was not really helpful, except /follow.
My goal last night was to get to get Friendly from Unfriendly reputation with the Sporeggar Faction. The reason for this is to get Semihrage to Honored faction and buy the Sporeggar Poison Shield which will be great for tanking.
Tanking? Yes, Semihrage will have a 2nd job of power levelling characters in Sanctume's account, Team Mage. (But that's for a later blog)
So I grinded some for Sporeggar faction doing the repeatable quest until Friendly.
Then I also turned in other quests in Sporeggar itself to get closer to honored.
Unfortunately I need to be level 62 to start the repeatable quest to Honored.
So, off to Hellfire I go and did more quests all the way into the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula.
Sanctume, 70 Protection Paladin, Bloodelf
Semihrage 61 Holy Paladin, Bloodelf
Healmon 64 Shadow Priest, Troll
I bought my 3rd Keyclone licenses last night, but there was a delay in activation so my 3rd machine was not really helpful, except /follow.
My goal last night was to get to get Friendly from Unfriendly reputation with the Sporeggar Faction. The reason for this is to get Semihrage to Honored faction and buy the Sporeggar Poison Shield which will be great for tanking.
Tanking? Yes, Semihrage will have a 2nd job of power levelling characters in Sanctume's account, Team Mage. (But that's for a later blog)
So I grinded some for Sporeggar faction doing the repeatable quest until Friendly.
Then I also turned in other quests in Sporeggar itself to get closer to honored.
Unfortunately I need to be level 62 to start the repeatable quest to Honored.
So, off to Hellfire I go and did more quests all the way into the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Tentative plan to level 4 more toons to 70
I got some of my plans to instance grind 4 more toons to level 70 in my 3-box set up.
My main character has been transferred to Account #3.
Sanctume, 70 Protection Paladin (Bloodelf)
I've done heroics and uncrushable to tank Prince in Karazan. I've been doing Heroics Ramparts early with my guild to collect badges and nethers even before the Heroic tweaks (fix), so I know I can tank it well.
My main goal is to be able to 3-box some normal instances; and also after I gear up my 4 other toons to an efficient level of healing or dps.
My current team consist of:
Sanctume, 70 Protection Paladin (Bloodelf)
Semihrage, 61 Holy Paladin (Bloodelf)
Healmon, 64 Shadow Priest (Troll)
When I was doing normal Ramparts and Blood Furnace, I find it slow to dps with the shadow priest. Slow and cumbersome as I smash a lot of buttons to unload the shadow priest combo.
I might try to respec Healmon to Holy/Disc for a Smite build.
I have plenty of side goals. Healmon is 375 Alchemy and I want to get to 68 to be a Master Transmuter.
Speaking of side goals, I was not fully happy with a priest dps, so I decided to roll a Mage (Joiya, 40 Bloodelf Mage) in Healmon's place. But this is where I got in trouble in the power-levelling circle. (Another blog entry later.)
For now, my plan for Outlands grinding to level 70 are:
(Thanks to Vyndree from dual-boxing.com)
60-62 Hellfire quests, 1 run Ramparts, multiple runs Blood Furnace
62-64? Zangarmarsh quests, 1 run Underbog
64-65? Terrokar quests, grinded some spiders for netherweb + venom sacs
(I got my pally scryer for recipe, then grinded back to aldor)
65-66? Nagrand quests
66-67? Kurenai rep (approx 3/4 level grinding ogres)
67-69? CoT: Durnholde
69-70 Sethekk Halls, a couple runs of the beginning part of Shadow Labs (clear room at MC boss, restart)
My main character has been transferred to Account #3.
Sanctume, 70 Protection Paladin (Bloodelf)
I've done heroics and uncrushable to tank Prince in Karazan. I've been doing Heroics Ramparts early with my guild to collect badges and nethers even before the Heroic tweaks (fix), so I know I can tank it well.
My main goal is to be able to 3-box some normal instances; and also after I gear up my 4 other toons to an efficient level of healing or dps.
My current team consist of:
Sanctume, 70 Protection Paladin (Bloodelf)
Semihrage, 61 Holy Paladin (Bloodelf)
Healmon, 64 Shadow Priest (Troll)
When I was doing normal Ramparts and Blood Furnace, I find it slow to dps with the shadow priest. Slow and cumbersome as I smash a lot of buttons to unload the shadow priest combo.
I might try to respec Healmon to Holy/Disc for a Smite build.
I have plenty of side goals. Healmon is 375 Alchemy and I want to get to 68 to be a Master Transmuter.
Speaking of side goals, I was not fully happy with a priest dps, so I decided to roll a Mage (Joiya, 40 Bloodelf Mage) in Healmon's place. But this is where I got in trouble in the power-levelling circle. (Another blog entry later.)
For now, my plan for Outlands grinding to level 70 are:
(Thanks to Vyndree from dual-boxing.com)
60-62 Hellfire quests, 1 run Ramparts, multiple runs Blood Furnace
62-64? Zangarmarsh quests, 1 run Underbog
64-65? Terrokar quests, grinded some spiders for netherweb + venom sacs
(I got my pally scryer for recipe, then grinded back to aldor)
65-66? Nagrand quests
66-67? Kurenai rep (approx 3/4 level grinding ogres)
67-69? CoT: Durnholde
69-70 Sethekk Halls, a couple runs of the beginning part of Shadow Labs (clear room at MC boss, restart)
Blood Elf Paladin & Undead Mage
I have 3 WoW account, and I rolled 2 new characters last night in WoW.
Sanctitty, Blood Elf Paladin; and Alviarin, Undea Mage.
Pre-Preparation Work
It took about two hours to do my preparation work because I had to transfer items off an existing character Traderjoe (level 1 Orc Warlock) who was my Auction House Seller.
After I deleted Traderjoe, it said I can't have the name anymore.
I then created Sanctitty in Account #1, and Alviarin in Account #3.
Preparation Work
1. 40 Mage, Joiya in Account #2, teleport to Undercity, run to Brill, buy 2 level 5 cloth boots, and teleport back to Ogrimmar, run to mailbox.
2. 15 Mage, Gemstar in Account #1 , take out 2 mats for Run Speed enchant, and mail to Leggolaz.
3. 39 Hunter, Leggolaz in Account #1, pick up mail for the Run Speed enchants, and invite Joiya into group. They port to Undercity.
4. 70 Paladin, Sanctume in Account #3, port to Undercity from Shattrath. Enchants the 2 level 5 boots with Run Speed. Logout.
5. Joiya teleports to Bloodelf land and run to the starting area.
6. Leggolaz have 2x Run Speed boots, 4 x 14-slot bags, and extra 20 gold.
7. Joiya created a Portal: Undercity. Logout.
8. Sanctittytlogs in. Leggolaz invites. Sanctitty takes portal to Undercity.
9. They run to Deathknell, the Undead starting area.
10. Alviarin logs in and joins the gorup.
11. Leggolaz gives each 10g, 2x 14-slot bags, and a level 5 Run Speed boots.
Hot Keys
Alviarin.Hotkey 1: none
Leggolaz.Hotkey 1: /follow Alviarin, /assist Alviarin, /stopattack, /petattack
Sanctitty.Hotkey 1: none
Alviarin.Hotkey 2: Fireball
Leggolaz.Hotkey 2: none
Sanctitty.Hotkey 2: none
Alviarin.Hotkey 3: none
Leggolaz.Hotkey 3: none
Sanctitty.Hotkey 3: Holy Light
Game Time
I ungroup Leggolaz. Alviarin is the main. Sanctitty is on follow. Leggolaz is on follow.
Alviarin targets a mob, shoots a fireball (Key 2), and presses Key 1. Leggolaz's pet then kills the mob, and both Alviarin and Sanctitty gets full exp.
Final Notes
I followed the Undead Newbie guide. There are some corrections.
1. There is one required collection quest at level 2 or 3, it's not bad off bats and wolves.
2. There is one more kill quest on the way to the 3rd War with Scarlet Crusade chain.
3. There were 2 more collection quests that was not bad, Gloomweed and the next one that chains off it.
4. Since the Herbalist trainer is in Brill, I picked it up to see the weeds faster.
5. I then dropped Herbalism and got Enchanting and Skinning for both. I will drop Skinning eventually.
6. Since I started late, I did not get to level 10 as I hoped. I have a few more quest to do, but I logged out at level 9 with about 1 hour and 20 minutes played.
Sanctitty, Blood Elf Paladin; and Alviarin, Undea Mage.
Pre-Preparation Work
It took about two hours to do my preparation work because I had to transfer items off an existing character Traderjoe (level 1 Orc Warlock) who was my Auction House Seller.
After I deleted Traderjoe, it said I can't have the name anymore.
I then created Sanctitty in Account #1, and Alviarin in Account #3.
Preparation Work
1. 40 Mage, Joiya in Account #2, teleport to Undercity, run to Brill, buy 2 level 5 cloth boots, and teleport back to Ogrimmar, run to mailbox.
2. 15 Mage, Gemstar in Account #1 , take out 2 mats for Run Speed enchant, and mail to Leggolaz.
3. 39 Hunter, Leggolaz in Account #1, pick up mail for the Run Speed enchants, and invite Joiya into group. They port to Undercity.
4. 70 Paladin, Sanctume in Account #3, port to Undercity from Shattrath. Enchants the 2 level 5 boots with Run Speed. Logout.
5. Joiya teleports to Bloodelf land and run to the starting area.
6. Leggolaz have 2x Run Speed boots, 4 x 14-slot bags, and extra 20 gold.
7. Joiya created a Portal: Undercity. Logout.
8. Sanctittytlogs in. Leggolaz invites. Sanctitty takes portal to Undercity.
9. They run to Deathknell, the Undead starting area.
10. Alviarin logs in and joins the gorup.
11. Leggolaz gives each 10g, 2x 14-slot bags, and a level 5 Run Speed boots.
Hot Keys
Alviarin.Hotkey 1: none
Leggolaz.Hotkey 1: /follow Alviarin, /assist Alviarin, /stopattack, /petattack
Sanctitty.Hotkey 1: none
Alviarin.Hotkey 2: Fireball
Leggolaz.Hotkey 2: none
Sanctitty.Hotkey 2: none
Alviarin.Hotkey 3: none
Leggolaz.Hotkey 3: none
Sanctitty.Hotkey 3: Holy Light
Game Time
I ungroup Leggolaz. Alviarin is the main. Sanctitty is on follow. Leggolaz is on follow.
Alviarin targets a mob, shoots a fireball (Key 2), and presses Key 1. Leggolaz's pet then kills the mob, and both Alviarin and Sanctitty gets full exp.
Final Notes
I followed the Undead Newbie guide. There are some corrections.
1. There is one required collection quest at level 2 or 3, it's not bad off bats and wolves.
2. There is one more kill quest on the way to the 3rd War with Scarlet Crusade chain.
3. There were 2 more collection quests that was not bad, Gloomweed and the next one that chains off it.
4. Since the Herbalist trainer is in Brill, I picked it up to see the weeds faster.
5. I then dropped Herbalism and got Enchanting and Skinning for both. I will drop Skinning eventually.
6. Since I started late, I did not get to level 10 as I hoped. I have a few more quest to do, but I logged out at level 9 with about 1 hour and 20 minutes played.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Undead Starting Area Kill Quests
This is my quick guide to do as much Kill Quests and try to avoid Collection Quests for playing Undead characters in World of Warcraft.
Undead Starting Area Kill Quests (Deathknell & Brill)
(2 / 1) The Mindless Ones
Start: Shadow Priest Sarvis (Deathknell)
End: Shadow Priest Sarvis (Deathknell)
- Kill Mindless Zombie slain (8)
- Kill Wretched Zombie slain (8)
(3 / 1) The Mindless Ones
Start: Shadow Priest Sarvis (Deathknell)
End: Shadow Priest Sarvis (Deathknell)
- Kill Rattling the Rattlecages (12)
(4 / 2) Night Web's Hollow (chain 1 of 4)
Start: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
End: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
- Kill Young Night Web Spider slain (10)
- Kill Night Web Spider slain (8)
Leads to: The Scarlet Crusade
Exp: 40
(4 / 3) The Scarlet Crusade (chain 2 of 4)
Start: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
End: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
- Collect Scarlet Armband (12)
Exp: 360
Leads to: The Red Messenger
(5 / 3) Marla's Last Wish
Start: Novice Elreth
End: Novice Elreth
- Kill Samuel Fipps (loot Remains) @ 36.62
- Click on Marla's Grave @ 31.65, then return to Novice Elreth.
Exp: 450
(5 / 4) The Red Messenger (chain 3 of 4)
Start: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
End: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
- Kill Meven Korgal (loot quest item) @ 36.68
Exp: 675
Leads to: Vital Intelligence
(5 / 4) The Red Messenger (chain 4 of 4)
Start: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
End: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
- Deliver the Scarlet Crusade Documents to Executor Zygand in Brill @ 60.51
Exp: 340
Leads to: Vital Intelligence
#Action_Plan: Travel To Brill
(5 / 1) A Rogue's Deal
Start: Calvin Montague (Deathknell @ 38.57)
End: Innkeeper Renee (Brill @ 62.52)
- Deliver the Nondescript Letter to Innkeeper Renee in Tirisfal Glades. (Brill @ 62.52)
Exp: 110
SKIP (7 / 4) Fields of Grief
#Action_Plan: BRILL
SKIP (6 / 4) A Putrid Task
(8 / 5) At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 1 of 4)
Start: Executor Zygand (Brill)
End: Executor Zygand
- Kill Scarlet Warrior slain (10) @ 37.48
Exp: 700
Leads to: At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 2 of 4)
(7/ 5) Proof of Demise (Collection)
Start: Deathguard Burgess
End: Deathguard Burgess
- Collect / Bring 10 Scarlet Insignia Rings to Deathguard Burgess in Brill.
Exp: 625
(9 / 5) At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 2 of 4)
Start: Executor Zygand (Brill)
End: Executor Zygand
- Kill Captain Perrine slain @ 51.67
- Kill Scarlet Zealot slain (3)
- Kill Scarlet Missionary slain (3)
Exp: 775
Leads to: At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 3 of 4)
(10 / 7) At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 3 of 4)
Start: Executor Zygand (Brill)
End: Executor Zygand
- Kill Captain Vachon slain @ 78,56
- Kill Scarlet Friar slain (5)
Exp: 850
Leads to: At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 4 of 4)
(12 / 8) At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 4 of 4)
Start: Executor Zygand (Brill)
End: Executor Zygand
- Kill Captain Melrache (L12) slain @ 79.26
- Kill Scarlet Bodyguard (L8) slain (2)
Exp: 900
(7/ 5) Proof of Demise (Collection)
Start: Deathguard Burgess
End: Deathguard Burgess
- Collect / Bring 10 Scarlet Insignia Rings to Deathguard Burgess in Brill.
Exp: 625
#Action_Plan Agamand Mills
(10 / 7) The Haunted Mills
Start: Coleman Farthing (Brill inn)
End: Coleman Farthing
- Kill Devlin's Remains @ 47.40
Exp: 420
(11 / 7) Deaths in the Family
Start: Coleman Farthing (Brill inn)
End: Coleman Farthing
- Kill L10 Nissa's Remains (inside first house @ 49.35)
- Kill L10 Gregor's Remains (windmill area @ 47.30)
- Kill L10 Thurman's Remains (windmill area @ 42.33)
Exp: 875
Leads to: Speak with Sevren
(10 / 7) Speak with Sevren (chain 1 of 2)
Start: Coleman Farthing (Brill inn)
End: Magistrate Sevren (Brill townhall)
- Speak to Magistrate Sevren @ 61.51
Exp: 85
Leads to: The Family Crypt (chain 2 of 2)
(13 / 8) The Family Crypt (chain 1 of 2)
Start: Magistrate Sevren (Brill townhall)
End: Magistrate Sevren (Brill townhall)
- Kill Wailing Ancestor slain (8)
- Kill Rotting Ancestor slain (8)
- Kill L13 Dargol's Skull (Lowest level of Crypt @ 51.27)
Exp: 900
Total Exp for the quests is about 8700.
Some more notes about XP Level Table for WoW:
A Level 1 needs 400 xp to ding to level 2.
A Level 1 gets 50 xp for killing a Level 1 mob, so he needs to kill 8 mobs to ding to level 2.
Level XP-to-level XP-per-mob #-of-Mobs-to-kill
1 400 50 8
2 900 1300 55 16
3 1400 2300 60 23
4 2100 3500 65 32
5 2800 4900 70 40
6 3600 6400 75 48
7 4500 8100 80 56
8 5400 9900 85 64
9 6500 11900 90 72
10 7600 14100 95 80
11 8700 16300 100 87
12 9800 18500 105 93
13 11000 20800 110 100
A total of 64700 xp to level 14.

Undead Starting Area Kill Quests (Deathknell & Brill)
(2 / 1) The Mindless Ones
Start: Shadow Priest Sarvis (Deathknell)
End: Shadow Priest Sarvis (Deathknell)
- Kill Mindless Zombie slain (8)
- Kill Wretched Zombie slain (8)
(3 / 1) The Mindless Ones
Start: Shadow Priest Sarvis (Deathknell)
End: Shadow Priest Sarvis (Deathknell)
- Kill Rattling the Rattlecages (12)
(4 / 2) Night Web's Hollow (chain 1 of 4)
Start: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
End: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
- Kill Young Night Web Spider slain (10)
- Kill Night Web Spider slain (8)
Leads to: The Scarlet Crusade
Exp: 40
(4 / 3) The Scarlet Crusade (chain 2 of 4)
Start: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
End: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
- Collect Scarlet Armband (12)
Exp: 360
Leads to: The Red Messenger
(5 / 3) Marla's Last Wish
Start: Novice Elreth
End: Novice Elreth
- Kill Samuel Fipps (loot Remains) @ 36.62
- Click on Marla's Grave @ 31.65, then return to Novice Elreth.
Exp: 450
(5 / 4) The Red Messenger (chain 3 of 4)
Start: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
End: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
- Kill Meven Korgal (loot quest item) @ 36.68
Exp: 675
Leads to: Vital Intelligence
(5 / 4) The Red Messenger (chain 4 of 4)
Start: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
End: Executor Arren (Deathknell)
- Deliver the Scarlet Crusade Documents to Executor Zygand in Brill @ 60.51
Exp: 340
Leads to: Vital Intelligence
#Action_Plan: Travel To Brill
(5 / 1) A Rogue's Deal
Start: Calvin Montague (Deathknell @ 38.57)
End: Innkeeper Renee (Brill @ 62.52)
- Deliver the Nondescript Letter to Innkeeper Renee in Tirisfal Glades. (Brill @ 62.52)
Exp: 110
SKIP (7 / 4) Fields of Grief
#Action_Plan: BRILL
SKIP (6 / 4) A Putrid Task
(8 / 5) At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 1 of 4)
Start: Executor Zygand (Brill)
End: Executor Zygand
- Kill Scarlet Warrior slain (10) @ 37.48
Exp: 700
Leads to: At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 2 of 4)
(7/ 5) Proof of Demise (Collection)
Start: Deathguard Burgess
End: Deathguard Burgess
- Collect / Bring 10 Scarlet Insignia Rings to Deathguard Burgess in Brill.
Exp: 625
(9 / 5) At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 2 of 4)
Start: Executor Zygand (Brill)
End: Executor Zygand
- Kill Captain Perrine slain @ 51.67
- Kill Scarlet Zealot slain (3)
- Kill Scarlet Missionary slain (3)
Exp: 775
Leads to: At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 3 of 4)
(10 / 7) At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 3 of 4)
Start: Executor Zygand (Brill)
End: Executor Zygand
- Kill Captain Vachon slain @ 78,56
- Kill Scarlet Friar slain (5)
Exp: 850
Leads to: At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 4 of 4)
(12 / 8) At War With The Scarlet Crusade (chain 4 of 4)
Start: Executor Zygand (Brill)
End: Executor Zygand
- Kill Captain Melrache (L12) slain @ 79.26
- Kill Scarlet Bodyguard (L8) slain (2)
Exp: 900
(7/ 5) Proof of Demise (Collection)
Start: Deathguard Burgess
End: Deathguard Burgess
- Collect / Bring 10 Scarlet Insignia Rings to Deathguard Burgess in Brill.
Exp: 625
#Action_Plan Agamand Mills
(10 / 7) The Haunted Mills
Start: Coleman Farthing (Brill inn)
End: Coleman Farthing
- Kill Devlin's Remains @ 47.40
Exp: 420
(11 / 7) Deaths in the Family
Start: Coleman Farthing (Brill inn)
End: Coleman Farthing
- Kill L10 Nissa's Remains (inside first house @ 49.35)
- Kill L10 Gregor's Remains (windmill area @ 47.30)
- Kill L10 Thurman's Remains (windmill area @ 42.33)
Exp: 875
Leads to: Speak with Sevren
(10 / 7) Speak with Sevren (chain 1 of 2)
Start: Coleman Farthing (Brill inn)
End: Magistrate Sevren (Brill townhall)
- Speak to Magistrate Sevren @ 61.51
Exp: 85
Leads to: The Family Crypt (chain 2 of 2)
(13 / 8) The Family Crypt (chain 1 of 2)
Start: Magistrate Sevren (Brill townhall)
End: Magistrate Sevren (Brill townhall)
- Kill Wailing Ancestor slain (8)
- Kill Rotting Ancestor slain (8)
- Kill L13 Dargol's Skull (Lowest level of Crypt @ 51.27)
Exp: 900
Total Exp for the quests is about 8700.
Some more notes about XP Level Table for WoW:
A Level 1 needs 400 xp to ding to level 2.
A Level 1 gets 50 xp for killing a Level 1 mob, so he needs to kill 8 mobs to ding to level 2.
Level XP-to-level XP-per-mob #-of-Mobs-to-kill
1 400 50 8
2 900 1300 55 16
3 1400 2300 60 23
4 2100 3500 65 32
5 2800 4900 70 40
6 3600 6400 75 48
7 4500 8100 80 56
8 5400 9900 85 64
9 6500 11900 90 72
10 7600 14100 95 80
11 8700 16300 100 87
12 9800 18500 105 93
13 11000 20800 110 100
A total of 64700 xp to level 14.

Friday, January 18, 2008
3x Warlocks Setup
I am doing test run on 3x Warlock team using a my Area-51 9750 laptop with an extra horizontal span display monitor @ 2800x1050 (17" + 20"wide).
Team Warlock : Sanctùme, Sanctûme, and Sanctúme (the u's are Alt+151, Alt+150, & AltT+163)
I got all of them to level 10 and about to turn in the Void Walker pet quest, in about 6 hours. I can do faster, but I find myself doing stupid collection quest for all 3!
Anyway, this is just a test run for now to get a feel for using 3x on a single machine with Keyclone.
I can see my need for macro castsequence, dot rotations, fear rotation, and a way to assign multi targets via the main.
I can definitely see a need for a healer in the mix at higher levels if I want to level these up.
So for now, my goals are:
1. Get familiar with the feel of using 3x on a single computer and Keyclone.
2. Level up to 14 at least, then switch to power-leveling (or boosting with my 70 Prot Paladin)
Team Warlock : Sanctùme, Sanctûme, and Sanctúme (the u's are Alt+151, Alt+150, & AltT+163)
I got all of them to level 10 and about to turn in the Void Walker pet quest, in about 6 hours. I can do faster, but I find myself doing stupid collection quest for all 3!
Anyway, this is just a test run for now to get a feel for using 3x on a single machine with Keyclone.
I can see my need for macro castsequence, dot rotations, fear rotation, and a way to assign multi targets via the main.
I can definitely see a need for a healer in the mix at higher levels if I want to level these up.
So for now, my goals are:
1. Get familiar with the feel of using 3x on a single computer and Keyclone.
2. Level up to 14 at least, then switch to power-leveling (or boosting with my 70 Prot Paladin)
Monday, January 14, 2008
3-Box Setup for World of Warcraft
This is my first blog ever, and 3-boxing motivated me enough to create this blog page.
I've been 2-boxing (playing 2 WoW accounts in separate computers at the same time) for quite some time now since Everquest 1, Dark Ages of Camelot, and Shadowbane.
I started with 2 account in WoW and ran into dual-boxing.com site some time last year. I was intrigued with 5-boxing so I suppose, ultimately, I might try that. But for now, I'm upgrading to 3-boxing.
My current computers are 2 AMD X2 4400 which I built over the years, and my first Core 2 Duo laptop from Alienware 9750.
I can run 3 or more WoW clients in either of the 3 computers I own. There are 3 configurations that I like, depending on which characters I am running.
Setup 1: 3-box same characters in 1 computer, and 2 monitor display.
My 17" laptop LCD can display 1900x1200 but my 19" wide monitor can only handle 1400x1050 to obtain the largest vertical pixels. So, I end up with a 2800 x 1050 dual display resolution.
I use WoW Maximizer add-on and set up my main on the laptop as 1400x1050, and on the other monitor to my right splits 2 WoW clients at 1400x525 top-down configuration.
For now, I use AutoHotkey to send some keyboard presses over onto other WoW windows.
This Setup 1 is ideal for same dps range classes, and more complex for the Tank-Healer-Dps group. I've had fun running 3 mages (Level 6s) , and currently levelling 3 shamans (Level 8, 8 and 12)
Setup 2: 1-Box on main laptop; plus 2-Box on 2nd computer, single screen split top-bottom.
This setup is ideal for power-leveling my 2 account while using a 70 Protection Paladin. I'll have another blog for power leveling later.
This setup is ideal and better for me to control my newbies separately from the main in order to position them in a spot where they can still get experience points while my main kills everything.
Setup 3: 1-Box on 3 separate computers; so 3 monitors.
I've spent a lot more time in this mode ever since I started a 3rd account last week.
This setup is ideal for my Tank-Healer-Dps group make up.
I am currently power-leveling a 60 Holy Paladin (which was level 33 just 2 weeks ago) and my 64 Troll Shadow Priest (which was 63 since last year). My 70 Prot Paladin is decently geared for the job. I suppose I'll have another blog about doing Outland instances.
I can see that I may need to get KeyClone or get Xkeys to make 3-boxing easier so I will keep researching that in the next few weeks.
I've been 2-boxing (playing 2 WoW accounts in separate computers at the same time) for quite some time now since Everquest 1, Dark Ages of Camelot, and Shadowbane.
I started with 2 account in WoW and ran into dual-boxing.com site some time last year. I was intrigued with 5-boxing so I suppose, ultimately, I might try that. But for now, I'm upgrading to 3-boxing.
My current computers are 2 AMD X2 4400 which I built over the years, and my first Core 2 Duo laptop from Alienware 9750.
I can run 3 or more WoW clients in either of the 3 computers I own. There are 3 configurations that I like, depending on which characters I am running.
Setup 1: 3-box same characters in 1 computer, and 2 monitor display.
My 17" laptop LCD can display 1900x1200 but my 19" wide monitor can only handle 1400x1050 to obtain the largest vertical pixels. So, I end up with a 2800 x 1050 dual display resolution.
I use WoW Maximizer add-on and set up my main on the laptop as 1400x1050, and on the other monitor to my right splits 2 WoW clients at 1400x525 top-down configuration.
For now, I use AutoHotkey to send some keyboard presses over onto other WoW windows.
This Setup 1 is ideal for same dps range classes, and more complex for the Tank-Healer-Dps group. I've had fun running 3 mages (Level 6s) , and currently levelling 3 shamans (Level 8, 8 and 12)
Setup 2: 1-Box on main laptop; plus 2-Box on 2nd computer, single screen split top-bottom.
This setup is ideal for power-leveling my 2 account while using a 70 Protection Paladin. I'll have another blog for power leveling later.
This setup is ideal and better for me to control my newbies separately from the main in order to position them in a spot where they can still get experience points while my main kills everything.
Setup 3: 1-Box on 3 separate computers; so 3 monitors.
I've spent a lot more time in this mode ever since I started a 3rd account last week.
This setup is ideal for my Tank-Healer-Dps group make up.
I am currently power-leveling a 60 Holy Paladin (which was level 33 just 2 weeks ago) and my 64 Troll Shadow Priest (which was 63 since last year). My 70 Prot Paladin is decently geared for the job. I suppose I'll have another blog about doing Outland instances.
I can see that I may need to get KeyClone or get Xkeys to make 3-boxing easier so I will keep researching that in the next few weeks.
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